
ListObjectVersionsIterator extends AwsResourceIterator
in package

Iterator for an S3 ListObjectVersions command

This iterator includes the following additional options:

  • return_prefixes: Set to true to receive both prefixes and versions in results

Table of Contents


$command  : CommandInterface
$data  : array<string|int, mixed>
$eventDispatcher  : EventDispatcherInterface
$invalid  : bool
$iteratedCount  : int
$lastResult  : Model
$limit  : int
$nextToken  : string
$originalCommand  : CommandInterface
$pageSize  : int
$requestCount  : int
$resources  : array<string|int, mixed>
$retrievedCount  : int


__construct()  : mixed
addSubscriber()  : self
Add an event subscriber to the dispatcher
count()  : mixed
current()  : mixed
dispatch()  : Event
Helper to dispatch Guzzle events and set the event name on the event
get()  : mixed|null
Get an option from the iterator
getAllEvents()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a list of all of the events emitted from the class
getEventDispatcher()  : EventDispatcherInterface
Get the EventDispatcher of the request
getLastResult()  : Model|null
Provides access to the most recent result obtained by the iterator. This makes it easier to extract any additional information from the result which you do not have access to from the values emitted by the iterator
getNextToken()  : string
Retrieve the NextToken that can be used in other iterators.
getRequestCount()  : int
Get the total number of requests sent
key()  : mixed
next()  : mixed
rewind()  : mixed
Rewind the Iterator to the first element and send the original command
set()  : ResourceIterator
Set an option on the iterator
setEventDispatcher()  : self
Set the EventDispatcher of the request
setLimit()  : ResourceIteratorInterface
Attempt to limit the total number of resources returned by the iterator.
setPageSize()  : ResourceIteratorInterface
Attempt to limit the total number of resources retrieved per request by the iterator.
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all of the resources as an array (Warning: this could issue a large number of requests)
valid()  : mixed
applyNextToken()  : mixed
calculatePageSize()  : int
Returns the value that should be specified for the page size for a request that will maintain any hard limits, but still honor the specified pageSize if the number of items retrieved + pageSize < hard limit
determineNextToken()  : mixed
getValueFromResult()  : mixed|null
Extracts the value from the result using Collection::getPath. Also adds some additional logic for keys that need to access n-1 indexes (e.g., ImportExport, Kinesis). The n-1 logic only works for the known cases. We will switch to a jmespath implementation in the future to cover all cases
handleResults()  : mixed
prepareRequest()  : mixed
resetState()  : mixed
Reset the internal state of the iterator without triggering a rewind()
sendRequest()  : array<string|int, mixed>
{@inheritdoc} This AWS specific version of the resource iterator provides a default implementation of the typical AWS iterator process. It relies on configuration and extension to implement the operation-specific logic of handling results and nextTokens. This method will loop until resources are acquired or there are no more iterations available.



protected array<string|int, mixed> $data = array()

Initial data passed to the constructor


protected bool $invalid

Whether or not the current value is known to be invalid


protected int $iteratedCount = 0

Total number of resources that have been iterated


protected int $limit

Maximum number of resources to retrieve in total


protected string $nextToken = false

NextToken/Marker for a subsequent request


protected int $pageSize

Maximum number of resources to fetch per request


protected array<string|int, mixed> $resources

Currently loaded resources


protected int $retrievedCount = 0

Total number of resources that have been retrieved



public __construct(CommandInterface $command[, array<string|int, mixed> $data = array() ]) : mixed
$command : CommandInterface

Initial command used for iteration

$data : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

Associative array of additional parameters. You may specify any number of custom options for an iterator. Among these options, you may also specify the following values:

  • limit: Attempt to limit the maximum number of resources to this amount
  • page_size: Attempt to retrieve this number of resources per request


Helper to dispatch Guzzle events and set the event name on the event

public dispatch(mixed $eventName[, array<string|int, mixed> $context = array() ]) : Event
$eventName : mixed

Name of the event to dispatch

$context : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

Context of the event

Return values

Returns the created event object


Get an option from the iterator

public get(string $key) : mixed|null
$key : string

Key of the option to retrieve

Return values

Returns NULL if not set or the value if set


Get a list of all of the events emitted from the class

public static getAllEvents() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Provides access to the most recent result obtained by the iterator. This makes it easier to extract any additional information from the result which you do not have access to from the values emitted by the iterator

public getLastResult() : Model|null
Return values


Retrieve the NextToken that can be used in other iterators.

public getNextToken() : string
Return values

Returns a NextToken


Get the total number of requests sent

public getRequestCount() : int
Return values


Rewind the Iterator to the first element and send the original command

public rewind() : mixed


Attempt to limit the total number of resources retrieved per request by the iterator.

public setPageSize(mixed $pageSize) : ResourceIteratorInterface

The iterator may return more than you specify in the page size argument depending on the service and underlying command implementation. Set to 0 to specify no page size limitation.

$pageSize : mixed

Limit amount

Return values


Get all of the resources as an array (Warning: this could issue a large number of requests)

public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the value that should be specified for the page size for a request that will maintain any hard limits, but still honor the specified pageSize if the number of items retrieved + pageSize < hard limit

protected calculatePageSize() : int
Return values

Returns the page size of the next request.


Extracts the value from the result using Collection::getPath. Also adds some additional logic for keys that need to access n-1 indexes (e.g., ImportExport, Kinesis). The n-1 logic only works for the known cases. We will switch to a jmespath implementation in the future to cover all cases

protected getValueFromResult(Model $result, string $key) : mixed|null
$result : Model
$key : string
Return values


Reset the internal state of the iterator without triggering a rewind()

protected resetState() : mixed


{@inheritdoc} This AWS specific version of the resource iterator provides a default implementation of the typical AWS iterator process. It relies on configuration and extension to implement the operation-specific logic of handling results and nextTokens. This method will loop until resources are acquired or there are no more iterations available.

protected sendRequest() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Returns the newly loaded resources

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