
ClearBucket extends AbstractHasDispatcher
in package

Class used to clear the contents of a bucket or the results of an iterator

Table of Contents


AFTER_CLEAR  = 'clear_bucket.after_clear'
AFTER_DELETE  = 'clear_bucket.after_delete'
BEFORE_CLEAR  = 'clear_bucket.before_clear'


$client  : AwsClientInterface
$eventDispatcher  : EventDispatcherInterface
$iterator  : AbstractS3ResourceIterator
$mfa  : string


__construct()  : mixed
addSubscriber()  : self
Add an event subscriber to the dispatcher
clear()  : int
Clear the bucket
dispatch()  : Event
Helper to dispatch Guzzle events and set the event name on the event
getAllEvents()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a list of all of the events emitted from the class
getEventDispatcher()  : EventDispatcherInterface
Get the EventDispatcher of the request
getIterator()  : Iterator
Get the iterator used to yield the keys to be deleted. A default iterator will be created and returned if no iterator has been explicitly set.
setBucket()  : $this
Set the bucket that is to be cleared
setEventDispatcher()  : self
Set the EventDispatcher of the request
setIterator()  : $this
Sets a different iterator to use than the default iterator. This can be helpful when you wish to delete only specific keys from a bucket (e.g. keys that match a certain prefix or delimiter, or perhaps keys that pass through a filtered, decorated iterator).
setMfa()  : $this
Set the MFA token to send with each request



public string AFTER_CLEAR = 'clear_bucket.after_clear'

Event emitted after the bucket is cleared


public string AFTER_DELETE = 'clear_bucket.after_delete'

Event emitted when a batch request has completed


public string BEFORE_CLEAR = 'clear_bucket.before_clear'

Event emitted before the bucket is cleared



protected AbstractS3ResourceIterator $iterator

Iterator used to yield keys


protected string $mfa

MFA used with each request



Helper to dispatch Guzzle events and set the event name on the event

public dispatch(mixed $eventName[, array<string|int, mixed> $context = array() ]) : Event
$eventName : mixed

Name of the event to dispatch

$context : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

Context of the event

Return values

Returns the created event object


Get a list of all of the events emitted from the class

public static getAllEvents() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the iterator used to yield the keys to be deleted. A default iterator will be created and returned if no iterator has been explicitly set.

public getIterator() : Iterator
Return values


Set the bucket that is to be cleared

public setBucket(string $bucket) : $this
$bucket : string

Name of the bucket to clear

Return values


Sets a different iterator to use than the default iterator. This can be helpful when you wish to delete only specific keys from a bucket (e.g. keys that match a certain prefix or delimiter, or perhaps keys that pass through a filtered, decorated iterator).

public setIterator(Iterator $iterator) : $this
$iterator : Iterator

Iterator used to yield the keys to be deleted

Return values


Set the MFA token to send with each request

public setMfa(string $mfa) : $this
$mfa : string

MFA token to send with each request. The value is the concatenation of the authentication device's serial number, a space, and the value displayed on your authentication device.

Return values

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