
CallbackBackoffStrategy extends AbstractBackoffStrategy
in package

Strategy that will invoke a closure to determine whether or not to retry with a delay

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$callback  : Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|mixed
$decision  : bool
$next  : AbstractBackoffStrategy


__construct()  : mixed
getBackoffPeriod()  : bool|int
Get the amount of time to delay in seconds before retrying a request
getNext()  : AbstractBackoffStrategy|null
Get the next backoff strategy in the chain
makesDecision()  : bool
Check if the strategy does filtering and makes decisions on whether or not to retry.
setNext()  : mixed
getDelay()  : bool|int|null
Implement the concrete strategy




Get the amount of time to delay in seconds before retrying a request

public getBackoffPeriod(mixed $retries, RequestInterface $request[, Response $response = null ][, HttpException $e = null ]) : bool|int
$retries : mixed

Number of retries of the request

$request : RequestInterface

Request that was sent

$response : Response = null

Response that was received. Note that there may not be a response

$e : HttpException = null

Exception that was encountered if any

Return values

Returns false to not retry or the number of seconds to delay between retries


Check if the strategy does filtering and makes decisions on whether or not to retry.

public makesDecision() : bool

Strategies that return false will never retry if all of the previous strategies in a chain defer on a backoff decision.

Return values


Implement the concrete strategy

protected getDelay(mixed $retries, RequestInterface $request[, Response $response = null ][, HttpException $e = null ]) : bool|int|null
$retries : mixed

Number of retries of the request

$request : RequestInterface

Request that was sent

$response : Response = null

Response that was received. Note that there may not be a response

$e : HttpException = null

Exception that was encountered if any

Return values

Returns false to not retry or the number of seconds to delay between retries. Return true or null to defer to the next strategy if available, and if not, return 0.

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