
in package
implements EventSubscriberInterface

Listener used to add a ContentMD5 header to the body of a command and adds ContentMD5 validation if the ValidateMD5 option is not set to false on a command

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An EventSubscriber knows himself what events he is interested in.


$contentMd5Param  : string
$validateMd5Param  : string


__construct()  : mixed
getSubscribedEvents()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
onCommandBeforeSend()  : mixed



protected string $contentMd5Param

Parameter used to check if the ContentMD5 value is being added


protected string $validateMd5Param

Parameter used to check if validation should occur on the response



public __construct([string $contentMd5Param = 'ContentMD5' ][, string $validateMd5Param = 'ValidateMD5' ]) : mixed
$contentMd5Param : string = 'ContentMD5'

Parameter used to check if the ContentMD5 value is being added

$validateMd5Param : string = 'ValidateMD5'

Parameter used to check if validation should occur on the response


Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.

public static getSubscribedEvents() : array<string|int, mixed>

The array keys are event names and the value can be:

  • The method name to call (priority defaults to 0)
  • An array composed of the method name to call and the priority
  • An array of arrays composed of the method names to call and respective priorities, or 0 if unset

For instance:

  • array('eventName' => 'methodName')
  • array('eventName' => array('methodName', $priority))
  • array('eventName' => array(array('methodName1', $priority), array('methodName2')))
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The event names to listen to

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