
JsonVisitor extends AbstractRequestVisitor
in package

Visitor used to apply a parameter to an array that will be serialized as a top level key-value pair in a JSON body

Table of Contents


$data  : SplObjectStorage
$jsonContentType  : bool


__construct()  : mixed
after()  : mixed
Called after visiting all parameters
setContentTypeHeader()  : self
Set the Content-Type header to add to the request if JSON is added to the body. This visitor does not add a Content-Type header unless you specify one here.
visit()  : mixed
Called once for each parameter being visited that matches the location type
prepareValue()  : array<string|int, mixed>|mixed
Prepare (filter and set desired name for request item) the value for request.
resolveRecursively()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Map nested parameters into the location_key based parameters



protected SplObjectStorage $data

Data object for persisting JSON data


protected bool $jsonContentType = 'application/json'

Whether or not to add a Content-Type header when JSON is found



Set the Content-Type header to add to the request if JSON is added to the body. This visitor does not add a Content-Type header unless you specify one here.

public setContentTypeHeader([string $header = 'application/json' ]) : self
$header : string = 'application/json'

Header to set when JSON is added (e.g. application/json)

Return values


Prepare (filter and set desired name for request item) the value for request.

protected prepareValue(mixed $value, Parameter $param) : array<string|int, mixed>|mixed
$value : mixed
$param : Parameter
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|mixed


Map nested parameters into the location_key based parameters

protected resolveRecursively(array<string|int, mixed> $value, Parameter $param) : array<string|int, mixed>
$value : array<string|int, mixed>

Value to map

$param : Parameter

Parameter that holds information about the current key

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Returns the mapped array

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