
JsonVisitor extends AbstractResponseVisitor
in package

Location visitor used to marshal JSON response data into a formatted array.

Allows top level JSON parameters to be inserted into the result of a command. The top level attributes are grabbed from the response's JSON data using the name value by default. Filters can be applied to parameters as they are traversed. This allows data to be normalized before returning it to users (for example converting timestamps to DateTime objects).

Table of Contents


after()  : mixed
Called after visiting all parameters
before()  : mixed
Called before visiting all parameters. This can be used for seeding the result of a command with default data (e.g. populating with JSON data in the response then adding to the parsed data).
visit()  : mixed
Called once for each parameter being visited that matches the location type
recursiveProcess()  : mixed
Recursively process a parameter while applying filters



Called before visiting all parameters. This can be used for seeding the result of a command with default data (e.g. populating with JSON data in the response then adding to the parsed data).

public before(CommandInterface $command, array<string|int, mixed> &$result) : mixed
$command : CommandInterface

Command being visited

$result : array<string|int, mixed>

Result value to update if needed (e.g. parsing XML or JSON)


Called once for each parameter being visited that matches the location type

public visit(CommandInterface $command, Response $response, Parameter $param, mixed &$value[, mixed $context = null ]) : mixed
$command : CommandInterface

Command being visited

$response : Response

Response being visited

$param : Parameter

Parameter being visited

$value : mixed

Result associative array value being updated by reference

$context : mixed = null

Parsing context


Recursively process a parameter while applying filters

protected recursiveProcess(Parameter $param, mixed &$value) : mixed
$param : Parameter

API parameter being validated

$value : mixed

Value to validate and process. The value may change during this process.

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