Pure-PHP implementation of AES.
Uses mcrypt, if available/possible, and an internal implementation, otherwise.
PHP version 5
NOTE: Since AES.php is (for compatibility and phpseclib-historical reasons) virtually just a wrapper to Rijndael.php you may consider using Rijndael.php instead of to save one include_once().
If setKeyLength() isn't called, it'll be calculated from setKey(). ie. if the key is 128-bits, the key length will be 128-bits. If it's 136-bits it'll be null-padded to 192-bits and 192 bits will be the key length until setKey() is called, again, at which point, it'll be recalculated.
Since \phpseclib3\Crypt\AES extends \phpseclib3\Crypt\Rijndael, some functions are available to be called that, in the context of AES, don't make a whole lot of sense. setBlockLength(), for instance. Calling that function, however possible, won't do anything (AES has a fixed block length whereas Rijndael has a variable one).
Here's a short example of how to use this library:
Table of Contents
- Pure-PHP implementation of AES.