Table of Contents
- CredentialsInterface
- Provides access to the AWS credentials used for accessing AWS services: AWS
access key ID, secret access key, and security token. These credentials are
used to securely sign requests to AWS services.
- AbstractCredentialsDecorator
- Abstract credentials decorator
- AbstractRefreshableCredentials
- Abstract decorator to provide a foundation for refreshable credentials
- CacheableCredentials
- Credentials decorator used to implement caching credentials
- Credentials
- Basic implementation of the AWSCredentials interface that allows callers to
pass in the AWS access key and secret access in the constructor.
- NullCredentials
- A blank set of credentials. AWS clients must be provided credentials, but
there are some types of requests that do not need authentication. This class
can be used to pivot on that scenario, and also serve as a mock credentials
object when testing
- RefreshableInstanceProfileCredentials
- Credentials decorator used to implement retrieving credentials from the
EC2 metadata server