Table of Contents
- AwsExceptionInterface
- "Marker Interface" implemented by every exception in the AWS SDK
- ExceptionFactoryInterface
- Interface used to create AWS exception
- BadMethodCallException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL BadMethodCallException.
- DomainException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL DomainException.
- ExceptionListener
- Converts generic Guzzle response exceptions into AWS specific exceptions
- InstanceProfileCredentialsException
- Exception thrown when an error occurs with instance profile credentials
- InvalidArgumentException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL InvalidArgumentException.
- LogicException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL LogicException.
- MultipartUploadException
- Thrown when a {@see Aws\Common\MultipartUpload\TransferInterface} object encounters an error during transfer
- NamespaceExceptionFactory
- Attempts to create exceptions by inferring the name from the code and a base namespace that contains exceptions. Exception classes are expected to be in upper camelCase and always end in 'Exception'. 'Exception' will be appended if it is not present in the exception code.
- OutOfBoundsException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL OverflowException.
- OverflowException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL OverflowException.
- RequiredExtensionNotLoadedException
- Thrown when a particular PHP extension is required to execute the guarded logic, but the extension is not loaded
- RuntimeException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL RuntimeException.
- ServiceResponseException
- Default AWS exception
- TransferException
- Transfer request exception
- UnexpectedValueException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL UnexpectedValueException.