Table of Contents
- MultipartUpload
- Acp
- Amazon S3 Access Control Policy (ACP)
- AcpBuilder
- Builder for creating Access Control Policies
- ClearBucket
- Class used to clear the contents of a bucket or the results of an iterator
- DeleteObjectsBatch
- The DeleteObjectsBatch is a BatchDecorator for Guzzle that implements a
queue for deleting keys from an Amazon S3 bucket. You can add DeleteObject
or an array of [Key => %s, VersionId => %s] and call flush when the objects
should be deleted.
- DeleteObjectsTransfer
- Transfer logic for deleting multiple objects from an Amazon S3 bucket in a
single request
- Grant
- Amazon S3 Grant model
- Grantee
- Amazon S3 Grantee model
- PostObject
- Encapsulates the logic for getting the data for an S3 object POST upload form