Table of Contents
- Exception
- BatchDivisorInterface
- Interface used for dividing a queue of items into an array of batches
- BatchInterface
- Interface for efficiently transferring items in a queue using batches
- BatchTransferInterface
- Interface used for transferring batches of items
- AbstractBatchDecorator
- Abstract decorator used when decorating a BatchInterface
- Batch
- Default batch implementation used to convert queued items into smaller chunks of batches using a
{@see BatchDivisorIterface} and transfers each batch using a {@see BatchTransferInterface}.
- BatchBuilder
- Builder used to create custom batch objects
- BatchClosureDivisor
- Divides batches using a callable
- BatchClosureTransfer
- Batch transfer strategy where transfer logic can be defined via a Closure.
- BatchCommandTransfer
- Efficiently transfers multiple commands in parallel per client
This class is to be used with {@see Guzzle\Batch\BatchInterface}
- BatchRequestTransfer
- Batch transfer strategy used to efficiently transfer a batch of requests.
- BatchSizeDivisor
- Divides batches into smaller batches under a certain size
- ExceptionBufferingBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to buffer exceptions encountered during a transfer. The exceptions can then later be
processed after a batch flush has completed.
- FlushingBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to add automatic flushing of the queue when the size of the queue reaches a threshold.
- HistoryBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to keep a history of items that were added to the batch. You must clear the history
manually to remove items from the history.
- NotifyingBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to call a method each time flush is called