Table of Contents
- FormatterInterface
- Interface for formatters
- ChromePHPFormatter
- Formats a log message according to the ChromePHP array format
- ElasticaFormatter
- Format a log message into an Elastica Document
- FlowdockFormatter
- formats the record to be used in the FlowdockHandler
- FluentdFormatter
- Class FluentdFormatter
- GelfMessageFormatter
- Serializes a log message to GELF
- HtmlFormatter
- Formats incoming records into an HTML table
- JsonFormatter
- Encodes whatever record data is passed to it as json
- LineFormatter
- Formats incoming records into a one-line string
- LogglyFormatter
- Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Loggly.
- LogstashFormatter
- Serializes a log message to Logstash Event Format
- MongoDBFormatter
- Formats a record for use with the MongoDBHandler.
- NormalizerFormatter
- Normalizes incoming records to remove objects/resources so it's easier to dump to various targets
- ScalarFormatter
- Formats data into an associative array of scalar values.
- WildfireFormatter
- Serializes a log message according to Wildfire's header requirements