Table of Contents
- LoggerAwareInterface
- Describes a logger-aware instance
- LoggerInterface
- Describes a logger instance
- LoggerAwareInterface
- Describes a logger-aware instance.
- LoggerInterface
- Describes a logger instance.
- AbstractLogger
- This is a simple Logger implementation that other Loggers can inherit from.
- InvalidArgumentException
- LogLevel
- Describes log levels
- NullLogger
- This Logger can be used to avoid conditional log calls
- AbstractLogger
- This is a simple Logger implementation that other Loggers can inherit from.
- InvalidArgumentException
- LogLevel
- Describes log levels.
- NullLogger
- This Logger can be used to avoid conditional log calls.
- LoggerAwareTrait
- Basic Implementation of LoggerAwareInterface.
- LoggerTrait
- This is a simple Logger trait that classes unable to extend AbstractLogger (because they extend another class, etc) can include.
- LoggerAwareTrait
- Basic Implementation of LoggerAwareInterface.
- LoggerTrait
- This is a simple Logger trait that classes unable to extend AbstractLogger (because they extend another class, etc) can include.