Table of Contents
- AwsClientInterface
- Interface that all AWS clients implement
- CredentialsInterface
- Provides access to the AWS credentials used for accessing AWS services: AWS access key ID, secret access key, and security token. These credentials are used to securely sign requests to AWS services.
- AwsExceptionInterface
- "Marker Interface" implemented by every exception in the AWS SDK
- ExceptionFactoryInterface
- Interface used to create AWS exception
- ExceptionParserInterface
- Interface used to parse exceptions into an associative array of data
- FacadeInterface
- Interface that defines a client facade. Facades are convenient static classes that allow you to run client methods statically on a default instance from the service builder. The facades themselves are aliased into the global namespace for ease of use.
- ChunkHashInterface
- Interface for objects that encapsulate the creation of a hash from streamed chunks of data
- TransferInterface
- Interface for transferring the contents of a data source to an AWS service via a multipart upload interface
- TransferStateInterface
- State of a multipart upload
- UploadIdInterface
- An object that encapsulates the data identifying an upload
- UploadPartInterface
- An object that encapsulates the data for an upload part
- EndpointSignatureInterface
- Interface for signatures that use specific region and service names when signing requests.
- SignatureInterface
- Interface used to provide interchangeable strategies for signing requests using the various AWS signature protocols.
- ResourceWaiterInterface
- Interface used in conjunction with clients to wait on a resource
- WaiterFactoryInterface
- Waiter factory used to create waiter objects by short names
- WaiterInterface
- WaiterInterface used to wait on something to be in a particular state
- S3SignatureInterface
- Interface used to provide interchangeable strategies for signing requests using the various AWS signature protocols.
- FilenameConverterInterface
- Converts filenames from one system to another (e.g. local to Amazon S3)
- BatchDivisorInterface
- Interface used for dividing a queue of items into an array of batches
- BatchInterface
- Interface for efficiently transferring items in a queue using batches
- BatchTransferInterface
- Interface used for transferring batches of items
- GuzzleException
- Guzzle exception
- FromConfigInterface
- Interfaces that adds a factory method which is used to instantiate a class from an array of configuration options.
- HasDispatcherInterface
- Holds an event dispatcher
- ToArrayInterface
- An object that can be represented as an array
- ClientInterface
- Client interface for send HTTP requests
- CurlMultiInterface
- Interface for sending a pool of {@see RequestInterface} objects in parallel
- EntityBodyInterface
- Entity body used with an HTTP request or response
- HttpException
- Http exception interface
- EntityEnclosingRequestInterface
- HTTP request that sends an entity-body in the request message (POST, PUT)
- HeaderFactoryInterface
- Interface for creating headers
- HeaderInterface
- An object that can be represented as an array
- MessageInterface
- Request and response message interface
- PostFileInterface
- POST file upload
- RequestFactoryInterface
- Request factory used to create HTTP requests
- RequestInterface
- Generic HTTP request interface
- QueryAggregatorInterface
- Interface used for aggregating nested query string variables into a flattened array of key value pairs
- InflectorInterface
- Inflector interface used to convert the casing of words
- LogAdapterInterface
- Adapter class that allows Guzzle to log data to various logging implementations.
- CookieParserInterface
- Cookie parser interface
- MessageParserInterface
- HTTP message parser interface used to parse HTTP messages into an array
- UriTemplateInterface
- Expands URI templates using an array of variables
- UrlParserInterface
- URL parser interface
- BackoffStrategyInterface
- Strategy to determine if a request should be retried and how long to delay between retries
- CookieJarInterface
- Interface for persisting cookies
- ErrorResponseExceptionInterface
- Interface used to create an exception from an error response
- ServiceBuilderInterface
- Service builder used to store and build clients or arbitrary data. Client configuration data can be supplied to tell the service builder how to create and cache {@see \Guzzle\Service\ClientInterface} objects. Arbitrary data can be supplied and accessed from a service builder. Arbitrary data and other clients can be referenced by name in client configuration arrays to make them input for building other clients (e.g. "{key}").
- ClientInterface
- Client interface for executing commands on a web service.
- CommandInterface
- A command object that contains parameters that can be modified and accessed like an array and turned into an array
- FactoryInterface
- Interface for creating commands by name
- RequestVisitorInterface
- Location visitor used to add values to different locations in a request with different behaviors as needed
- ResponseVisitorInterface
- Location visitor used to parse values out of a response into an associative array
- RequestSerializerInterface
- Translates command options and operation parameters into a request object
- ResponseClassInterface
- Interface used to accept a completed OperationCommand and parse the result into a specific response type
- ResponseParserInterface
- Parses the HTTP response of a command and sets the appropriate result on a command object
- ConfigLoaderInterface
- Interface used for loading configuration data (service descriptions, service builder configs, etc)
- OperationInterface
- Interface defining data objects that hold the information of an API operation
- ServiceDescriptionInterface
- A ServiceDescription stores service information based on a service document
- ValidatorInterface
- Validator responsible for preparing and validating parameters against the parameter's schema
- ResourceIteratorFactoryInterface
- Factory for creating {@see ResourceIteratorInterface} objects
- ResourceIteratorInterface
- Iterates over a paginated resource using subsequent requests in order to retrieve the entire matching result set
- StreamInterface
- OO interface to PHP streams
- StreamRequestFactoryInterface
- Interface used for creating streams from requests
- LoggerAwareInterface
- Describes a logger-aware instance
- LoggerInterface
- Describes a logger instance
- TraceableEventDispatcherInterface
- The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
- EventDispatcherInterface
- The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
- EventSubscriberInterface
- An EventSubscriber knows himself what events he is interested in.
- JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface
- Google_Task_Retryable
- Interface for checking how many times a given task can be retried following a failure.
- Retryable
- Interface for checking how many times a given task can be retried following a failure.
- FetchAuthTokenInterface
- An interface implemented by objects that can fetch auth tokens.
- GetQuotaProjectInterface
- An interface implemented by objects that can get quota projects.
- ProjectIdProviderInterface
- Describes a Credentials object which supports fetching the project ID.
- SignBlobInterface
- Describes a class which supports signing arbitrary strings.
- UpdateMetadataInterface
- Describes a Credentials object which supports updating request metadata (request headers).
- ClientInterface
- Client interface for sending HTTP requests.
- CookieJarInterface
- Stores HTTP cookies.
- GuzzleException
- CurlFactoryInterface
- PromiseInterface
- A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation.
- PromisorInterface
- Interface used with classes that return a promise.
- TaskQueueInterface
- FormatterInterface
- Interface for formatters
- ActivationStrategyInterface
- Interface for activation strategies for the FingersCrossedHandler.
- FormattableHandlerInterface
- Interface to describe loggers that have a formatter
- HandlerInterface
- Interface that all Monolog Handlers must implement
- ProcessableHandlerInterface
- Interface to describe loggers that have processors
- ProcessorInterface
- An optional interface to allow labelling Monolog processors.
- ResettableInterface
- Handler or Processor implementing this interface will be reset when Logger::reset() is called.
- CacheException
- Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by an Implementing Library.
- CacheItemInterface
- CacheItemInterface defines an interface for interacting with objects inside a cache.
- CacheItemPoolInterface
- CacheItemPoolInterface generates CacheItemInterface objects.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Exception interface for invalid cache arguments.
- MessageInterface
- HTTP messages consist of requests from a client to a server and responses from a server to a client. This interface defines the methods common to each.
- RequestInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, client-side request.
- ResponseInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, server-side response.
- ServerRequestInterface
- Representation of an incoming, server-side HTTP request.
- StreamInterface
- Describes a data stream.
- UploadedFileInterface
- Value object representing a file uploaded through an HTTP request.
- UriInterface
- Value object representing a URI.
- LoggerAwareInterface
- Describes a logger-aware instance.
- LoggerInterface
- Describes a logger instance.
- SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface
- HtmlDiff
- Detail
- Operation
- EasyBlogFacebookApiException
- Thrown when an API call returns an exception.
- EasyBlogBaseFacebook
- Provides access to the Facebook Platform. This class provides a majority of the functionality needed, but the class is abstract because it is designed to be sub-classed. The subclass must implement the four abstract methods listed at the bottom of the file.
- EasyBlogFacebookConsumer
- Extends the BaseFacebook class with the intent of using PHP sessions to store user ids and access tokens.
- FlickrOauth
- EasyBlogTwitterOAuth
- Aws
- Base class for interacting with web service clients
- AbstractClient
- Abstract AWS client
- ClientBuilder
- Builder for creating AWS service clients
- DefaultClient
- Generic client for interacting with an AWS service
- ExpiredCredentialsChecker
- Backoff logic that handles retrying requests when credentials expire
- ThrottlingErrorChecker
- Backoff logic that handles throttling exceptions from services
- UploadBodyListener
- Prepares the body parameter of a command such that the parameter is more flexible (e.g. accepts file handles) with the value it accepts but converts it to the correct format for the command. Also looks for a "Filename" parameter.
- UserAgentListener
- Listener used to append strings to the User-Agent header of a request based on the `ua.append` option. `ua.append` can contain a string or array of values.
- AwsQueryVisitor
- Location visitor used to serialize AWS query parameters (e.g. EC2, SES, SNS, SQS, etc) as POST fields
- JsonCommand
- Adds AWS JSON body functionality to dynamically generated HTTP requests
- QueryCommand
- Adds AWS Query service serialization
- XmlResponseLocationVisitor
- Class used for custom AWS XML response parsing of query services
- AbstractCredentialsDecorator
- Abstract credentials decorator
- AbstractRefreshableCredentials
- Abstract decorator to provide a foundation for refreshable credentials
- CacheableCredentials
- Credentials decorator used to implement caching credentials
- Credentials
- Basic implementation of the AWSCredentials interface that allows callers to pass in the AWS access key and secret access in the constructor.
- NullCredentials
- A blank set of credentials. AWS clients must be provided credentials, but there are some types of requests that do not need authentication. This class can be used to pivot on that scenario, and also serve as a mock credentials object when testing
- RefreshableInstanceProfileCredentials
- Credentials decorator used to implement retrieving credentials from the EC2 metadata server
- ClientOptions
- Contains enumerable default factory options that can be passed to a client's factory method
- DateFormat
- Contains enumerable date format values used in the SDK
- Region
- Contains enumerable region code values. These should be useful in most cases, with Amazon S3 being the most notable exception
- Size
- Contains enumerable byte-size values
- Time
- Contains enumerable time values
- UaString
- User-Agent header strings for various high level operations
- Enum
- Represents an enumerable set of values
- BadMethodCallException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL BadMethodCallException.
- DomainException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL DomainException.
- ExceptionListener
- Converts generic Guzzle response exceptions into AWS specific exceptions
- InstanceProfileCredentialsException
- Exception thrown when an error occurs with instance profile credentials
- InvalidArgumentException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL InvalidArgumentException.
- LogicException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL LogicException.
- MultipartUploadException
- Thrown when a {@see Aws\Common\MultipartUpload\TransferInterface} object encounters an error during transfer
- NamespaceExceptionFactory
- Attempts to create exceptions by inferring the name from the code and a base namespace that contains exceptions. Exception classes are expected to be in upper camelCase and always end in 'Exception'. 'Exception' will be appended if it is not present in the exception code.
- OutOfBoundsException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL OverflowException.
- OverflowException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL OverflowException.
- AbstractJsonExceptionParser
- Parses JSON encoded exception responses
- DefaultXmlExceptionParser
- Parses default XML exception responses
- JsonQueryExceptionParser
- Parses JSON encoded exception responses from query services
- JsonRestExceptionParser
- Parses JSON encoded exception responses from REST services
- RequiredExtensionNotLoadedException
- Thrown when a particular PHP extension is required to execute the guarded logic, but the extension is not loaded
- RuntimeException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL RuntimeException.
- ServiceResponseException
- Default AWS exception
- TransferException
- Transfer request exception
- UnexpectedValueException
- AWS SDK namespaced version of the SPL UnexpectedValueException.
- AutoScaling
- The following classes are used to implement the static client facades and are aliased into the global namespaced. We discourage the use of these classes directly by their full namespace since they are not autoloaded and are considered an implementation detail that could possibly be changed in the future.
- CloudFormation
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- CloudFront
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- CloudSearch
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- CloudTrail
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- CloudWatch
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- DataPipeline
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- DirectConnect
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- DynamoDb
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Ec2
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- ElastiCache
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- ElasticBeanstalk
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- ElasticLoadBalancing
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- ElasticTranscoder
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Emr
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Glacier
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Iam
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- ImportExport
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Kinesis
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- OpsWorks
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Rds
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Redshift
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Route53
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- S3
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- SimpleDb
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Ses
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Sns
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Sqs
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- StorageGateway
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Sts
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Support
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Swf
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- Facade
- Base facade class that handles the delegation logic
- ChunkHash
- Encapsulates the creation of a hash from streamed chunks of data
- HashUtils
- Contains hashing utilities
- TreeHash
- Encapsulates the creation of a tree hash from streamed chunks of data
- HostNameUtils
- Utility class for parsing regions and services from URLs
- InstanceMetadataClient
- Client used for interacting with the Amazon EC2 instance metadata server
- ServiceAvailable
- Waits until the instance metadata service is responding. Will send up to 4 requests with a 5 second delay between each try. Each try can last up to 11 seconds to complete if the service is not responding.
- AwsResourceIterator
- Iterate over a client command
- AwsResourceIteratorFactory
- Resource iterator factory used to instantiate the default AWS resource iterator with the correct configuration or use a concrete iterator class if one exists
- AbstractTransfer
- Abstract class for transfer commonalities
- AbstractTransferState
- State of a multipart upload
- AbstractUploadBuilder
- Easily create a multipart uploader used to quickly and reliably upload a large file or data stream to Amazon S3 using multipart uploads
- AbstractUploadId
- An object that encapsulates the data identifying an upload
- AbstractUploadPart
- An object that encapsulates the data for an upload part
- RulesEndpointProvider
- Provides endpoints based on a rules configuration file.
- AbstractSignature
- SignatureListener
- Listener used to sign requests before they are sent over the wire
- SignatureV2
- Implementation of Signature Version 2
- SignatureV3Https
- Implementation of Signature Version 3 HTTPS
- SignatureV4
- Signature Version 4
- AbstractResourceWaiter
- Abstract waiter implementation used to wait on resources
- AbstractWaiter
- Abstract wait implementation
- CallableWaiter
- Callable wait implementation
- CompositeWaiterFactory
- Factory that utilizes multiple factories for creating waiters
- ConfigResourceWaiter
- Resource waiter driven by configuration options
- WaiterClassFactory
- Factory for creating {@see WaiterInterface} objects using a convention of storing waiter classes in the Waiter folder of a client class namespace using a snake_case to CamelCase conversion (e.g. camel_case => CamelCase).
- WaiterConfig
- Configuration info of a waiter object
- WaiterConfigFactory
- Factory for creating {@see WaiterInterface} objects using a configuration DSL.
- AcpListener
- Listener used to add an Access Control Policy to a request
- BucketStyleListener
- Listener used to change the way in which buckets are referenced (path/virtual style) based on context
- S3Command
- Adds functionality to Amazon S3 commands: - Adds the PutObject URL to a response - Allows creating a Pre-signed URL from any command
- CannedAcl
- Contains enumerable CannedAcl values
- EncodingType
- Contains enumerable EncodingType values
- Event
- Contains enumerable Event values
- GranteeType
- Contains enumerable GranteeType values
- Group
- Contains enumerable Amazon S3 group options for ACL grantees
- MetadataDirective
- Contains enumerable MetadataDirective values
- MFADelete
- Contains enumerable MFADelete values
- Payer
- Contains enumerable Payer values
- Permission
- Contains enumerable Permission values
- Protocol
- Contains enumerable Protocol values
- ServerSideEncryption
- Contains enumerable ServerSideEncryption values
- Status
- Contains enumerable Status values
- Storage
- Contains enumerable Amazon S3 storage options
- StorageClass
- Contains enumerable StorageClass values
- AccessDeniedException
- Access Denied
- AccountProblemException
- There is a problem with your AWS account that prevents the operation from completing successfully. Please use Contact Us.
- AmbiguousGrantByEmailAddressException
- The e-mail address you provided is associated with more than one account.
- BadDigestException
- The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received.
- BucketAlreadyExistsException
- The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.
- BucketAlreadyOwnedByYouException
- Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.
- BucketNotEmptyException
- The bucket you tried to delete is not empty.
- CredentialsNotSupportedException
- This request does not support credentials.
- CrossLocationLoggingProhibitedException
- Cross location logging not allowed. Buckets in one geographic location cannot log information to a bucket in another location.
- DeleteMultipleObjectsException
- Exception thrown when errors occur in a DeleteMultipleObjects request
- EntityTooLargeException
- Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size.
- EntityTooSmallException
- Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size.
- ExpiredTokenException
- The provided token has expired.
- IllegalVersioningConfigurationException
- Indicates that the Versioning configuration specified in the request is invalid.
- IncompleteBodyException
- You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header
- IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPostRequestException
- POST requires exactly one file upload per request.
- InlineDataTooLargeException
- Inline data exceeds the maximum allowed size.
- InternalErrorException
- We encountered an internal error. Please try again.
- InvalidAccessKeyIdException
- The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
- InvalidAddressingHeaderException
- You must specify the Anonymous role.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Invalid Argument
- InvalidBucketNameException
- The specified bucket is not valid.
- InvalidBucketStateException
- The request is not valid with the current state of the bucket.
- InvalidDigestException
- The Content-MD5 you specified was an invalid.
- InvalidLocationConstraintException
- The specified location constraint is not valid. For more information about Regions, see How to Select a Region for Your Buckets.
- InvalidPartException
- One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part might not have been uploaded, or the specified entity tag might not have matched the part's entity tag.
- InvalidPartOrderException
- The list of parts was not in ascending order.Parts list must specified in order by part number.
- InvalidPayerException
- All access to this object has been disabled.
- InvalidPolicyDocumentException
- The content of the form does not meet the conditions specified in the policy document.
- InvalidRangeException
- The requested range cannot be satisfied.
- InvalidRequestException
- SOAP requests must be made over an HTTPS connection.
- InvalidSecurityException
- The provided security credentials are not valid.
- InvalidSOAPRequestException
- The SOAP request body is invalid.
- InvalidStorageClassException
- The storage class you specified is not valid.
- InvalidTagErrorException
- The Tag provided was not a valid tag. This can occur if the Tag did not pass input validation. See the CostAllocation docs for a description of valid tags.
- InvalidTargetBucketForLoggingException
- The target bucket for logging does not exist, is not owned by you, or does not have the appropriate grants for the log-delivery group.
- InvalidTokenException
- The provided token is malformed or otherwise invalid.
- InvalidURIException
- Couldn't parse the specified URI.
- KeyTooLongException
- Your key is too long.
- MalformedACLErrorException
- The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema.
- MalformedPOSTRequestException
- The body of your POST request is not well-formed multipart/form-data.
- MalformedXMLException
- This happens when the user sends a malformed xml (xml that doesn't conform to the published xsd) for the configuration. The error message is, "The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema."
- MaxMessageLengthExceededException
- Your request was too big.
- MaxPostPreDataLengthExceededErrorException
- Your POST request fields preceding the upload file were too large.
- MetadataTooLargeException
- Your metadata headers exceed the maximum allowed metadata size.
- MethodNotAllowedException
- The specified method is not allowed against this resource.
- MissingAttachmentException
- A SOAP attachment was expected, but none were found.
- MissingContentLengthException
- You must provide the Content-Length HTTP header.
- MissingRequestBodyErrorException
- This happens when the user sends an empty xml document as a request. The error message is, "Request body is empty."
- MissingSecurityElementException
- The SOAP 1.1 request is missing a security element.
- MissingSecurityHeaderException
- Your request was missing a required header.
- NoLoggingStatusForKeyException
- There is no such thing as a logging status sub-resource for a key.
- NoSuchBucketException
- The specified bucket does not exist.
- NoSuchBucketPolicyException
- The specified bucket policy does not exist.
- NoSuchCORSConfigurationException
- The specified bucket does not have a CORs configuration.
- NoSuchKeyException
- The specified key does not exist.
- NoSuchLifecycleConfigurationException
- The lifecycle configuration does not exist.
- NoSuchTagSetException
- There is no TagSet associated with the bucket.
- NoSuchUploadException
- The specified multipart upload does not exist.
- NoSuchVersionException
- Indicates that the version ID specified in the request does not match an existing version.
- NoSuchWebsiteConfigurationException
- The specified bucket does not have a website configuration.
- NotImplementedException
- A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented.
- NotSignedUpException
- Your account is not signed up for the Amazon S3 service. You must sign up before you can use Amazon S3. You can sign up at the following URL:
- NotSuchBucketPolicyException
- The specified bucket does not have a bucket policy.
- ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException
- This operation is not allowed against this storage tier
- ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException
- The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.
- OperationAbortedException
- A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again.
- S3ExceptionParser
- Parses S3 exception responses
- PermanentRedirectException
- The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.
- PreconditionFailedException
- At least one of the preconditions you specified did not hold.
- RedirectException
- Temporary redirect.
- RequestIsNotMultiPartContentException
- Bucket POST must be of the enclosure-type multipart/form-data.
- RequestTimeoutException
- Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period.
- RequestTimeTooSkewedException
- The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large.
- RequestTorrentOfBucketErrorException
- Requesting the torrent file of a bucket is not permitted.
- S3Exception
- Default service exception class
- ServiceUnavailableException
- Please reduce your request rate.
- SignatureDoesNotMatchException
- The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. For more information, see REST Authentication and SOAP Authentication for details.
- SlowDownException
- Please reduce your request rate.
- TemporaryRedirectException
- You are being redirected to the bucket while DNS updates.
- TokenRefreshRequiredException
- The provided token must be refreshed.
- TooManyBucketsException
- You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed.
- UnexpectedContentException
- This request does not support content.
- UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddressException
- The e-mail address you provided does not match any account on record.
- UserKeyMustBeSpecifiedException
- The bucket POST must contain the specified field name. If it is specified, please check the order of the fields.
- IncompleteMultipartUploadChecker
- Retries CompleteMultipartUpload requests in the case of failure.
- ListBucketsIterator
- Iterator for the S3 ListBuckets command
- ListMultipartUploadsIterator
- Iterator for the S3 ListMultipartUploads command
- ListObjectsIterator
- Iterator for an S3 ListObjects command
- ListObjectVersionsIterator
- Iterator for an S3 ListObjectVersions command
- OpendirIterator
- Provides an iterator around an opendir resource. This is useful when you need to provide context to an opendir so you can't use RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- Acp
- Amazon S3 Access Control Policy (ACP)
- AcpBuilder
- Builder for creating Access Control Policies
- ClearBucket
- Class used to clear the contents of a bucket or the results of an iterator
- DeleteObjectsBatch
- The DeleteObjectsBatch is a BatchDecorator for Guzzle that implements a queue for deleting keys from an Amazon S3 bucket. You can add DeleteObject or an array of [Key => %s, VersionId => %s] and call flush when the objects should be deleted.
- DeleteObjectsTransfer
- Transfer logic for deleting multiple objects from an Amazon S3 bucket in a single request
- Grant
- Amazon S3 Grant model
- Grantee
- Amazon S3 Grantee model
- AbstractTransfer
- Abstract class for transfer commonalities
- ParallelTransfer
- Transfers multipart upload parts in parallel
- SerialTransfer
- Transfers multipart upload parts serially
- TransferState
- State of a multipart upload
- UploadBuilder
- Easily create a multipart uploader used to quickly and reliably upload a large file or data stream to Amazon S3 using multipart uploads
- UploadId
- An object that encapsulates the identification for a Glacier upload part
- UploadPart
- An object that encapsulates the data for a Glacier upload operation
- PostObject
- Encapsulates the logic for getting the data for an S3 object POST upload form
- ResumableDownload
- Allows you to resume the download of a partially downloaded object.
- S3Client
- Client to interact with Amazon Simple Storage Service
- S3Md5Listener
- Adds required and optional Content-MD5 headers
- S3Signature
- Default Amazon S3 signature implementation
- S3SignatureV4
- Amazon S3 signature version 4 overrides.
- SocketTimeoutChecker
- Custom S3 exponential backoff checking use to retry 400 responses containing the following reason phrase: "Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period.".
- SseCpkListener
- This listener simplifies the SSE-C process by encoding and hashing the key.
- StreamWrapper
- Amazon S3 stream wrapper to use "s3://<bucket>/<key>" files with PHP streams, supporting "r", "w", "a", "x".
- AbstractSync
- Class that holds an event dispatcher
- AbstractSyncBuilder
- ChangedFilesIterator
- Iterator used to filter an internal iterator to only yield files that do not exist in the target iterator or files that have changed
- DownloadSync
- Downloads and Amazon S3 bucket to a local directory
- DownloadSyncBuilder
- KeyConverter
- Converts filenames from one system to another
- UploadSync
- Uploads a local directory tree to Amazon S3
- UploadSyncBuilder
- AbstractBatchDecorator
- Abstract decorator used when decorating a BatchInterface
- Batch
- Default batch implementation used to convert queued items into smaller chunks of batches using a {@see BatchDivisorIterface} and transfers each batch using a {@see BatchTransferInterface}.
- BatchBuilder
- Builder used to create custom batch objects
- BatchClosureDivisor
- Divides batches using a callable
- BatchClosureTransfer
- Batch transfer strategy where transfer logic can be defined via a Closure.
- BatchCommandTransfer
- Efficiently transfers multiple commands in parallel per client This class is to be used with {@see Guzzle\Batch\BatchInterface}
- BatchRequestTransfer
- Batch transfer strategy used to efficiently transfer a batch of requests.
- BatchSizeDivisor
- Divides batches into smaller batches under a certain size
- BatchTransferException
- Exception thrown during a batch transfer
- ExceptionBufferingBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to buffer exceptions encountered during a transfer. The exceptions can then later be processed after a batch flush has completed.
- FlushingBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to add automatic flushing of the queue when the size of the queue reaches a threshold.
- HistoryBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to keep a history of items that were added to the batch. You must clear the history manually to remove items from the history.
- NotifyingBatch
- BatchInterface decorator used to call a method each time flush is called
- AbstractHasDispatcher
- Class that holds an event dispatcher
- Collection
- Key value pair collection object
- Event
- Default event for Guzzle notifications
- BadMethodCallException
- ExceptionCollection
- Collection of exceptions
- InvalidArgumentException
- RuntimeException
- UnexpectedValueException
- Version
- Guzzle version information
- AbstractEntityBodyDecorator
- Abstract decorator used to wrap entity bodies
- CachingEntityBody
- EntityBody decorator that can cache previously read bytes from a sequentially read tstream
- Client
- HTTP client
- CurlHandle
- Immutable wrapper for a cURL handle
- CurlMulti
- Send {@see RequestInterface} objects in parallel using curl_multi
- CurlMultiProxy
- Proxies requests and connections to a pool of internal curl_multi handles. Each recursive call will add requests to the next available CurlMulti handle.
- CurlVersion
- Class used for querying curl_version data
- RequestMediator
- Mediator between curl handles and request objects
- EntityBody
- Entity body used with an HTTP request or response
- BadResponseException
- Http request exception thrown when a bad response is received
- ClientErrorResponseException
- Exception when a client error is encountered (4xx codes)
- CouldNotRewindStreamException
- CurlException
- cURL request exception
- MultiTransferException
- Exception encountered during a multi transfer
- RequestException
- Http request exception
- ServerErrorResponseException
- Exception when a server error is encountered (5xx codes)
- TooManyRedirectsException
- Http request exception thrown when a bad response is received
- IoEmittingEntityBody
- EntityBody decorator that emits events for read and write methods
- AbstractMessage
- Abstract HTTP request/response message
- EntityEnclosingRequest
- HTTP request that sends an entity-body in the request message (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
- CacheControl
- Provides helpful functionality for Cache-Control headers
- HeaderCollection
- Provides a case-insensitive collection of headers
- HeaderFactory
- Default header factory implementation
- Link
- Provides helpful functionality for link headers
- Header
- Represents a header and all of the values stored by that header
- PostFile
- POST file upload
- Request
- HTTP request class to send requests
- RequestFactory
- Default HTTP request factory used to create the default {@see Request} and {@see EntityEnclosingRequest} objects.
- Response
- Guzzle HTTP response object
- Mimetypes
- Provides mappings of file extensions to mimetypes
- CommaAggregator
- Aggregates nested query string variables using commas
- DuplicateAggregator
- Does not aggregate nested query string values and allows duplicates in the resulting array
- PhpAggregator
- Aggregates nested query string variables using PHP style []
- QueryString
- Query string object to handle managing query string parameters and aggregating those parameters together as a string.
- ReadLimitEntityBody
- EntityBody decorator used to return only a subset of an entity body
- RedirectPlugin
- Plugin to implement HTTP redirects. Can redirect like a web browser or using strict RFC 2616 compliance
- StaticClient
- Simplified interface to Guzzle that does not require a class to be instantiated
- Url
- Parses and generates URLs based on URL parts. In favor of performance, URL parts are not validated.
- Inflector
- Default inflection implementation
- MemoizingInflector
- Decorator used to add memoization to previously inflected words
- PreComputedInflector
- Decorator used to add pre-computed inflection mappings to an inflector
- AppendIterator
- AppendIterator that is not affected by
- ChunkedIterator
- Pulls out chunks from an inner iterator and yields the chunks as arrays
- FilterIterator
- Filters values using a callback
- MapIterator
- Maps values before yielding
- MethodProxyIterator
- Proxies missing method calls to the innermost iterator
- AbstractLogAdapter
- Adapter class that allows Guzzle to log data using various logging implementations
- ArrayLogAdapter
- Stores all log messages in an array
- ClosureLogAdapter
- Logs messages using Closures. Closures combined with filtering can trigger application events based on log messages.
- MessageFormatter
- Message formatter used in various places in the framework
- MonologLogAdapter
- Adapter class that allows Guzzle to log data using various logging implementations
- PsrLogAdapter
- PSR-3 log adapter
- Zf1LogAdapter
- Adapts a Zend Framework 1 logger object
- Zf2LogAdapter
- Adapts a Zend Framework 2 logger object
- CookieParser
- Default Guzzle implementation of a Cookie parser
- AbstractMessageParser
- Implements shared message parsing functionality
- MessageParser
- Default request and response parser used by Guzzle. Optimized for speed.
- PeclHttpMessageParser
- Pecl HTTP message parser
- ParserRegistry
- Registry of parsers used by the application
- PeclUriTemplate
- Expands URI templates using the uri_template pecl extension (pecl install uri_template-beta)
- UriTemplate
- Expands URI templates using an array of variables
- UrlParser
- Parses URLs into parts using PHP's built-in parse_url() function
- AsyncPlugin
- Sends requests but does not wait for the response
- AbstractBackoffStrategy
- Abstract backoff strategy that allows for a chain of responsibility
- AbstractErrorCodeBackoffStrategy
- Strategy used to retry when certain error codes are encountered
- BackoffLogger
- Logs backoff retries triggered from the BackoffPlugin
- BackoffPlugin
- Plugin to automatically retry failed HTTP requests using a backoff strategy
- CallbackBackoffStrategy
- Strategy that will invoke a closure to determine whether or not to retry with a delay
- ConstantBackoffStrategy
- Will retry the request using the same amount of delay for each retry.
- CurlBackoffStrategy
- Strategy used to retry when certain cURL error codes are encountered.
- ExponentialBackoffStrategy
- Implements an exponential backoff retry strategy.
- HttpBackoffStrategy
- Strategy used to retry HTTP requests based on the response code.
- LinearBackoffStrategy
- Implements a linear backoff retry strategy.
- ReasonPhraseBackoffStrategy
- Strategy used to retry HTTP requests when the response's reason phrase matches one of the registered phrases.
- TruncatedBackoffStrategy
- Strategy that will not retry more than a certain number of times.
- Cookie
- Set-Cookie object
- ArrayCookieJar
- Cookie cookieJar that stores cookies an an array
- FileCookieJar
- Persists non-session cookies using a JSON formatted file
- CookiePlugin
- Adds, extracts, and persists cookies between HTTP requests
- InvalidCookieException
- CurlAuthPlugin
- Adds specified curl auth to all requests sent from a client. Defaults to CURLAUTH_BASIC if none supplied.
- ErrorResponsePlugin
- Converts generic Guzzle response exceptions into errorResponse exceptions
- ErrorResponseException
- HistoryPlugin
- Maintains a list of requests and responses sent using a request or client
- LogPlugin
- Plugin class that will add request and response logging to an HTTP request.
- CommandContentMd5Plugin
- Listener used to add a ContentMD5 header to the body of a command and adds ContentMD5 validation if the ValidateMD5 option is not set to false on a command
- Md5ValidatorPlugin
- Ensures that an the MD5 hash of an entity body matches the Content-MD5 header (if set) of an HTTP response. An exception is thrown if the calculated MD5 does not match the expected MD5.
- MockPlugin
- Queues mock responses or exceptions and delivers mock responses or exceptions in a fifo order.
- OauthPlugin
- OAuth signing plugin
- AbstractConfigLoader
- Abstract config loader
- ServiceBuilder
- Class that holds an event dispatcher
- ServiceBuilderLoader
- Service builder config loader
- CachingConfigLoader
- Decorator that adds caching to a service description loader
- Client
- Client object for executing commands on a web service.
- AbstractCommand
- Command object to handle preparing and processing client requests and responses of the requests
- ClosureCommand
- A ClosureCommand is a command that allows dynamic commands to be created at runtime using a closure to prepare the request. A closure key and \Closure value must be passed to the command in the constructor. The closure must accept the command object as an argument.
- CreateResponseClassEvent
- Event class emitted with the operation.parse_class event
- DefaultRequestSerializer
- Default request serializer that transforms command options and operation parameters into a request
- DefaultResponseParser
- Default HTTP response parser used to marshal JSON responses into arrays and XML responses into SimpleXMLElement
- AliasFactory
- Command factory used when you need to provide aliases to commands
- CompositeFactory
- Composite factory used by a client object to create command objects utilizing multiple factories
- ConcreteClassFactory
- Command factory used to create commands referencing concrete command classes
- MapFactory
- Command factory used when explicitly mapping strings to command classes
- ServiceDescriptionFactory
- Command factory used to create commands based on service descriptions
- AbstractRequestVisitor
- BodyVisitor
- Visitor used to apply a body to a request
- HeaderVisitor
- Visitor used to apply a parameter to a header value
- JsonVisitor
- Visitor used to apply a parameter to an array that will be serialized as a top level key-value pair in a JSON body
- PostFieldVisitor
- Visitor used to apply a parameter to a POST field
- PostFileVisitor
- Visitor used to apply a parameter to a POST file
- QueryVisitor
- Visitor used to apply a parameter to a request's query string
- ResponseBodyVisitor
- Visitor used to change the location in which a response body is saved
- XmlVisitor
- Location visitor used to serialize XML bodies
- AbstractResponseVisitor
- {@inheritdoc}
- BodyVisitor
- Visitor used to add the body of a response to a particular key
- HeaderVisitor
- Location visitor used to add a particular header of a response to a key in the result
- JsonVisitor
- Location visitor used to marshal JSON response data into a formatted array.
- ReasonPhraseVisitor
- Location visitor used to add the reason phrase of a response to a key in the result
- StatusCodeVisitor
- Location visitor used to add the status code of a response to a key in the result
- XmlVisitor
- Location visitor used to marshal XML response data into a formatted array
- VisitorFlyweight
- Flyweight factory used to instantiate request and response visitors
- OperationCommand
- A command that creates requests based on {@see Guzzle\Service\Description\OperationInterface} objects, and if the matching operation uses a service description model in the responseClass attribute, then this command will marshal the response into an associative array based on the JSON schema of the model.
- OperationResponseParser
- Response parser that attempts to marshal responses into an associative array based on models in a service description
- Operation
- Data object holding the information of an API command
- Parameter
- API parameter object used with service descriptions
- SchemaFormatter
- JSON Schema formatter class
- SchemaValidator
- Default parameter validator
- ServiceDescription
- A ServiceDescription stores service information based on a service document
- ServiceDescriptionLoader
- Loader for service descriptions
- CommandException
- CommandTransferException
- Exception thrown when transferring commands in parallel
- DescriptionBuilderException
- InconsistentClientTransferException
- Command transfer exception when commands do not all use the same client
- ResponseClassException
- ServiceBuilderException
- ServiceNotFoundException
- ValidationException
- AbstractResourceIteratorFactory
- Abstract resource iterator factory implementation
- CompositeResourceIteratorFactory
- Factory that utilizes multiple factories for creating iterators
- MapResourceIteratorFactory
- Resource iterator factory used when explicitly mapping strings to iterator classes
- Model
- Default model created when commands create service description model responses
- ResourceIterator
- Class that holds an event dispatcher
- ResourceIteratorApplyBatched
- Apply a callback to the contents of a {@see ResourceIteratorInterface}
- ResourceIteratorClassFactory
- Factory for creating {@see ResourceIteratorInterface} objects using a convention of storing iterator classes under a root namespace using the name of a {@see CommandInterface} object as a convention for determining the name of an iterator class. The command name is converted to CamelCase and Iterator is appended (e.g. abc_foo => AbcFoo).
- PhpStreamRequestFactory
- Factory used to create fopen streams using PHP's http and https stream wrappers
- Stream
- PHP stream implementation
- AbstractLogger
- This is a simple Logger implementation that other Loggers can inherit from.
- InvalidArgumentException
- LogLevel
- Describes log levels
- NullLogger
- This Logger can be used to avoid conditional log calls
- LoggerInterfaceTest
- Provides a base test class for ensuring compliance with the LoggerInterface
- DummyTest
- ContainerAwareEventDispatcher
- Lazily loads listeners and subscribers from the dependency injection container.
- TraceableEventDispatcher
- Collects some data about event listeners.
- WrappedListener
- RegisterListenersPass
- Compiler pass to register tagged services for an event dispatcher.
- Event
- Event is the base class for classes containing event data.
- EventDispatcher
- The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
- GenericEvent
- Event encapsulation class.
- ImmutableEventDispatcher
- A read-only proxy for an event dispatcher.
- AbstractEventDispatcherTest
- CallableClass
- TestEventListener
- TestWithDispatcher
- TestEventSubscriber
- TestEventSubscriberWithPriorities
- TestEventSubscriberWithMultipleListeners
- ContainerAwareEventDispatcherTest
- Service
- SubscriberService
- TraceableEventDispatcherTest
- EventSubscriber
- RegisterListenersPassTest
- SubscriberService
- EventDispatcherTest
- EventTest
- Test class for Event.
- GenericEventTest
- Test class for Event.
- ImmutableEventDispatcherTest
- ComposerAutoloaderInit41ec22823faeb187c2fc8ae78a2d5464
- ComposerStaticInit41ec22823faeb187c2fc8ae78a2d5464
- ClassLoader
- ClassLoader implements a PSR-0, PSR-4 and classmap class loader.
- InstalledVersions
- This class is copied in every Composer installed project and available to all
- BeforeValidException
- CachedKeySet
- ExpiredException
- Key
- SignatureInvalidException
- Revoke
- Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions
- Verify
- Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions
- Google_Task_Composer
- This class needs to be defined explicitly as scripts must be recognized by the autoloader.
- Google_AccessToken_Revoke
- Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions
- Google_AccessToken_Verify
- Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions
- Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory
- Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler
- Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler
- This supports Guzzle 6
- Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle7AuthHandler
- This supports Guzzle 7
- Google_Client
- The Google API Client
- Google_Collection
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- Google_Exception
- Google_Http_Batch
- Class to handle batched requests to the Google API service.
- Google_Http_MediaFileUpload
- Manage large file uploads, which may be media but can be any type of sizable data.
- Google_Http_REST
- This class implements the RESTful transport of apiServiceRequest()'s
- Google_Model
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Google_Service
- Google_Service_Exception
- Google_Service_Resource
- Implements the actual methods/resources of the discovered Google API using magic function calling overloading (__call()), which on call will see if the method name (plus.activities.list) is available in this service, and if so construct an apiHttpRequest representing it.
- Google_Task_Exception
- Google_Task_Runner
- A task runner with exponential backoff support.
- Google_Utils_UriTemplate
- Implementation of levels 1-3 of the URI Template spec.
- AuthHandlerFactory
- Guzzle5AuthHandler
- Guzzle6AuthHandler
- This supports Guzzle 6
- Guzzle7AuthHandler
- This supports Guzzle 7
- Client
- The Google API Client
- Collection
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- Exception
- Batch
- Class to handle batched requests to the Google API service.
- MediaFileUpload
- Manage large file uploads, which may be media but can be any type of sizable data.
- This class implements the RESTful transport of apiServiceRequest()'s
- Model
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Exception
- Resource
- Implements the actual methods/resources of the discovered Google API using magic function calling overloading (__call()), which on call will see if the method name (plus.activities.list) is available in this service, and if so construct an apiHttpRequest representing it.
- Service
- Composer
- Exception
- Runner
- A task runner with exponential backoff support.
- UriTemplate
- Implementation of levels 1-3 of the URI Template spec.
- About
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- AboutDriveThemes
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- AboutStorageQuota
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- AboutTeamDriveThemes
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Change
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- ChangeList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- Channel
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Comment
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- CommentList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- CommentQuotedFileContent
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- ContentRestriction
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Drive
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveBackgroundImageFile
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveCapabilities
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFile
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- DriveFileCapabilities
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFileContentHints
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFileContentHintsThumbnail
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFileImageMediaMetadata
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFileImageMediaMetadataLocation
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFileLinkShareMetadata
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFileShortcutDetails
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveFileVideoMediaMetadata
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- DriveList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- DriveRestrictions
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- FileList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- GeneratedIds
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- Permission
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- PermissionList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- PermissionPermissionDetails
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- PermissionTeamDrivePermissionDetails
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Reply
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- ReplyList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- About
- The "about" collection of methods.
- Changes
- The "changes" collection of methods.
- Channels
- The "channels" collection of methods.
- Comments
- The "comments" collection of methods.
- Drives
- The "drives" collection of methods.
- Files
- The "files" collection of methods.
- Permissions
- The "permissions" collection of methods.
- Replies
- The "replies" collection of methods.
- Revisions
- The "revisions" collection of methods.
- Teamdrives
- The "teamdrives" collection of methods.
- Revision
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- RevisionList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- StartPageToken
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- TeamDrive
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- TeamDriveBackgroundImageFile
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- TeamDriveCapabilities
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- TeamDriveList
- Extension to the regular Google\Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.
- TeamDriveRestrictions
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- User
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Drive
- Service definition for Drive (v3).
- Userinfo
- The "userinfo" collection of methods.
- UserinfoV2
- The "v2" collection of methods.
- UserinfoV2Me
- The "me" collection of methods.
- Tokeninfo
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Userinfo
- This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.
- Oauth2
- Service definition for Oauth2 (v2).
- AccessToken
- Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions.
- ApplicationDefaultCredentials
- ApplicationDefaultCredentials obtains the default credentials for authorizing a request to a Google service.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Item
- A cache item.
- MemoryCacheItemPool
- Simple in-memory cache implementation.
- SysVCacheItemPool
- SystemV shared memory based CacheItemPool implementation.
- AppIdentityCredentials
- AppIdentityCredentials supports authorization on Google App Engine.
- GCECredentials
- GCECredentials supports authorization on Google Compute Engine.
- IAMCredentials
- Authenticates requests using IAM credentials.
- InsecureCredentials
- Provides a set of credentials that will always return an empty access token.
- ServiceAccountCredentials
- ServiceAccountCredentials supports authorization using a Google service account.
- ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
- Authenticates requests using Google's Service Account credentials via JWT Access.
- UserRefreshCredentials
- Authenticates requests using User Refresh credentials.
- CredentialsLoader
- CredentialsLoader contains the behaviour used to locate and find default credentials files on the file system.
- FetchAuthTokenCache
- A class to implement caching for any object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface
- GCECache
- A class to implement caching for calls to GCECredentials::onGce. This class is used automatically when you pass a `Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface` cache object to `ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials`.
- Guzzle5HttpHandler
- Guzzle6HttpHandler
- Guzzle7HttpHandler
- HttpClientCache
- Stores an HTTP Client in order to prevent multiple instantiations.
- HttpHandlerFactory
- Iam
- Tools for using the IAM API.
- AuthTokenMiddleware
- AuthTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.
- ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware
- ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by a closure.
- SimpleMiddleware
- SimpleMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that implements Google's Simple API access.
- OAuth2
- OAuth2 supports authentication by OAuth2 2-legged flows.
- AuthTokenSubscriber
- AuthTokenSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.
- ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber
- ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that adds an Authorization header provided by a closure.
- SimpleSubscriber
- SimpleSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that implements Google's Simple API access.
- Client
- CookieJar
- Cookie jar that stores cookies as an array
- FileCookieJar
- Persists non-session cookies using a JSON formatted file
- SessionCookieJar
- Persists cookies in the client session
- SetCookie
- Set-Cookie object
- BadResponseException
- Exception when an HTTP error occurs (4xx or 5xx error)
- ClientException
- Exception when a client error is encountered (4xx codes)
- ConnectException
- Exception thrown when a connection cannot be established.
- InvalidArgumentException
- RequestException
- HTTP Request exception
- SeekException
- Exception thrown when a seek fails on a stream.
- ServerException
- Exception when a server error is encountered (5xx codes)
- TooManyRedirectsException
- HTTP Request exception
- TransferException
- CurlFactory
- Creates curl resources from a request
- CurlHandler
- HTTP handler that uses cURL easy handles as a transport layer.
- CurlMultiHandler
- Returns an asynchronous response using curl_multi_* functions.
- MockHandler
- Handler that returns responses or throw exceptions from a queue.
- Proxy
- Provides basic proxies for handlers.
- StreamHandler
- HTTP handler that uses PHP's HTTP stream wrapper.
- HandlerStack
- Creates a composed Guzzle handler function by stacking middlewares on top of an HTTP handler function.
- MessageFormatter
- Formats log messages using variable substitutions for requests, responses, and other transactional data.
- Middleware
- Functions used to create and wrap handlers with handler middleware.
- Pool
- Sends an iterator of requests concurrently using a capped pool size.
- PrepareBodyMiddleware
- Prepares requests that contain a body, adding the Content-Length, Content-Type, and Expect headers.
- RedirectMiddleware
- Request redirect middleware.
- RequestOptions
- This class contains a list of built-in Guzzle request options.
- RetryMiddleware
- Middleware that retries requests based on the boolean result of invoking the provided "decider" function.
- TransferStats
- Represents data at the point after it was transferred either successfully or after a network error.
- UriTemplate
- Expands URI templates. Userland implementation of PECL uri_template.
- Utils
- AggregateException
- Exception thrown when too many errors occur in the some() or any() methods.
- CancellationException
- Exception that is set as the reason for a promise that has been cancelled.
- Coroutine
- Creates a promise that is resolved using a generator that yields values or promises (somewhat similar to C#'s async keyword).
- Create
- Each
- EachPromise
- Represents a promise that iterates over many promises and invokes side-effect functions in the process.
- FulfilledPromise
- A promise that has been fulfilled.
- Is
- Promise
- Promises/A+ implementation that avoids recursion when possible.
- RejectedPromise
- A promise that has been rejected.
- RejectionException
- A special exception that is thrown when waiting on a rejected promise.
- TaskQueue
- A task queue that executes tasks in a FIFO order.
- Utils
- AppendStream
- Reads from multiple streams, one after the other.
- BufferStream
- Provides a buffer stream that can be written to to fill a buffer, and read from to remove bytes from the buffer.
- CachingStream
- Stream decorator that can cache previously read bytes from a sequentially read stream.
- DroppingStream
- Stream decorator that begins dropping data once the size of the underlying stream becomes too full.
- MalformedUriException
- Exception thrown if a URI cannot be parsed because it's malformed.
- FnStream
- Compose stream implementations based on a hash of functions.
- Header
- HttpFactory
- Implements all of the PSR-17 interfaces.
- InflateStream
- Uses PHP's zlib.inflate filter to inflate zlib (HTTP deflate, RFC1950) or gzipped (RFC1952) content.
- LazyOpenStream
- Lazily reads or writes to a file that is opened only after an IO operation take place on the stream.
- LimitStream
- Decorator used to return only a subset of a stream.
- Message
- MimeType
- MultipartStream
- Stream that when read returns bytes for a streaming multipart or multipart/form-data stream.
- NoSeekStream
- Stream decorator that prevents a stream from being seeked.
- PumpStream
- Provides a read only stream that pumps data from a PHP callable.
- Query
- Request
- PSR-7 request implementation.
- Response
- PSR-7 response implementation.
- ServerRequest
- Server-side HTTP request
- Stream
- PHP stream implementation.
- StreamWrapper
- Converts Guzzle streams into PHP stream resources.
- UploadedFile
- Uri
- PSR-7 URI implementation.
- UriComparator
- Provides methods to determine if a modified URL should be considered cross-origin.
- UriNormalizer
- Provides methods to normalize and compare URIs.
- UriResolver
- Resolves a URI reference in the context of a base URI and the opposite way.
- Utils
- ErrorHandler
- Monolog error handler
- ChromePHPFormatter
- Formats a log message according to the ChromePHP array format
- ElasticaFormatter
- Format a log message into an Elastica Document
- FlowdockFormatter
- formats the record to be used in the FlowdockHandler
- FluentdFormatter
- Class FluentdFormatter
- GelfMessageFormatter
- Serializes a log message to GELF
- HtmlFormatter
- Formats incoming records into an HTML table
- JsonFormatter
- Encodes whatever record data is passed to it as json
- LineFormatter
- Formats incoming records into a one-line string
- LogglyFormatter
- Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Loggly.
- LogstashFormatter
- Serializes a log message to Logstash Event Format
- MongoDBFormatter
- Formats a record for use with the MongoDBHandler.
- NormalizerFormatter
- Normalizes incoming records to remove objects/resources so it's easier to dump to various targets
- ScalarFormatter
- Formats data into an associative array of scalar values.
- WildfireFormatter
- Serializes a log message according to Wildfire's header requirements
- AbstractHandler
- Base Handler class providing the Handler structure
- AbstractProcessingHandler
- Base Handler class providing the Handler structure
- AbstractSyslogHandler
- Common syslog functionality
- AmqpHandler
- Base Handler class providing the Handler structure
- BrowserConsoleHandler
- Handler sending logs to browser's javascript console with no browser extension required
- BufferHandler
- Buffers all records until closing the handler and then pass them as batch.
- ChromePHPHandler
- Handler sending logs to the ChromePHP extension (
- CouchDBHandler
- CouchDB handler
- CubeHandler
- Logs to Cube.
- Util
- DeduplicationHandler
- Simple handler wrapper that deduplicates log records across multiple requests
- DoctrineCouchDBHandler
- CouchDB handler for Doctrine CouchDB ODM
- DynamoDbHandler
- Amazon DynamoDB handler (
- ElasticSearchHandler
- Elastic Search handler
- ErrorLogHandler
- Stores to PHP error_log() handler.
- FilterHandler
- Simple handler wrapper that filters records based on a list of levels
- ChannelLevelActivationStrategy
- Channel and Error level based monolog activation strategy. Allows to trigger activation based on level per channel. e.g. trigger activation on level 'ERROR' by default, except for records of the 'sql' channel; those should trigger activation on level 'WARN'.
- ErrorLevelActivationStrategy
- Error level based activation strategy.
- FingersCrossedHandler
- Buffers all records until a certain level is reached
- FirePHPHandler
- Simple FirePHP Handler (, which uses the Wildfire protocol.
- FleepHookHandler
- Sends logs to using Webhook integrations
- FlowdockHandler
- Sends notifications through the Flowdock push API
- GelfHandler
- Handler to send messages to a Graylog2 ( server
- GroupHandler
- Forwards records to multiple handlers
- HandlerWrapper
- This simple wrapper class can be used to extend handlers functionality.
- HipChatHandler
- Sends notifications through the hipchat api to a hipchat room
- IFTTTHandler
- IFTTTHandler uses cURL to trigger IFTTT Maker actions
- InsightOpsHandler
- Inspired on LogEntriesHandler.
- LogEntriesHandler
- Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen().
- LogglyHandler
- Sends errors to Loggly.
- MailHandler
- Base class for all mail handlers
- MandrillHandler
- MandrillHandler uses cURL to send the emails to the Mandrill API
- MissingExtensionException
- Exception can be thrown if an extension for an handler is missing
- MongoDBHandler
- Logs to a MongoDB database.
- NativeMailerHandler
- NativeMailerHandler uses the mail() function to send the emails
- NewRelicHandler
- Class to record a log on a NewRelic application.
- NullHandler
- Blackhole
- PHPConsoleHandler
- Monolog handler for Google Chrome extension "PHP Console"
- PsrHandler
- Proxies log messages to an existing PSR-3 compliant logger.
- PushoverHandler
- Sends notifications through the pushover api to mobile phones
- RavenHandler
- Handler to send messages to a Sentry ( server using sentry-php (
- RedisHandler
- Logs to a Redis key using rpush
- RollbarHandler
- Sends errors to Rollbar
- RotatingFileHandler
- Stores logs to files that are rotated every day and a limited number of files are kept.
- SamplingHandler
- Sampling handler
- SlackRecord
- Slack record utility helping to log to Slack webhooks or API.
- SlackbotHandler
- Sends notifications through Slack's Slackbot
- SlackHandler
- Sends notifications through Slack API
- SlackWebhookHandler
- Sends notifications through Slack Webhooks
- SocketHandler
- Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen().
- StreamHandler
- Stores to any stream resource
- SwiftMailerHandler
- SwiftMailerHandler uses Swift_Mailer to send the emails
- SyslogHandler
- Logs to syslog service.
- UdpSocket
- SyslogUdpHandler
- A Handler for logging to a remote syslogd server.
- TestHandler
- Used for testing purposes.
- WhatFailureGroupHandler
- Forwards records to multiple handlers suppressing failures of each handler and continuing through to give every handler a chance to succeed.
- ZendMonitorHandler
- Handler sending logs to Zend Monitor
- Logger
- Monolog log channel
- GitProcessor
- Injects Git branch and Git commit SHA in all records
- IntrospectionProcessor
- Injects line/file:class/function where the log message came from
- MemoryPeakUsageProcessor
- Injects memory_get_peak_usage in all records
- MemoryProcessor
- Some methods that are common for all memory processors
- MemoryUsageProcessor
- Injects memory_get_usage in all records
- MercurialProcessor
- Injects Hg branch and Hg revision number in all records
- ProcessIdProcessor
- Adds value of getmypid into records
- PsrLogMessageProcessor
- Processes a record's message according to PSR-3 rules
- TagProcessor
- Adds a tags array into record
- UidProcessor
- Adds a unique identifier into records
- WebProcessor
- Injects url/method and remote IP of the current web request in all records
- Registry
- Monolog log registry
- SignalHandler
- Monolog POSIX signal handler
- Utils
- Base32HexTest
- Base32Test
- Base64DotSlashOrderedTest
- Base64DotSlashTest
- Base64Test
- Base64UrlSafeTest
- EncodingTest
- HexTest
- RFC4648Test
- Class RFC4648Test
- Error
- TypeError
- AbstractLogger
- This is a simple Logger implementation that other Loggers can inherit from.
- InvalidArgumentException
- LogLevel
- Describes log levels.
- NullLogger
- This Logger can be used to avoid conditional log calls.
- LoggerInterfaceTest
- Provides a base test class for ensuring compliance with the LoggerInterface.
- TestLogger
- Used for testing purposes.
- Normalizer
- ArithmeticError
- AssertionError
- DivisionByZeroError
- Error
- ParseError
- TypeError
- xmlrpc_client
- xmlrpcresp
- xmlrpcmsg
- xmlrpcval
- xmlrpc_server
- sef_easyblog
- LoggerAwareTrait
- Basic Implementation of LoggerAwareInterface.
- LoggerTrait
- This is a simple Logger trait that classes unable to extend AbstractLogger (because they extend another class, etc) can include.
- CacheTrait
- ServiceAccountSignerTrait
- Sign a string using a Service Account private key.
- MessageTrait
- Trait implementing functionality common to requests and responses.
- StreamDecoratorTrait
- Stream decorator trait
- FormattableHandlerTrait
- Helper trait for implementing FormattableInterface
- ProcessableHandlerTrait
- Helper trait for implementing ProcessableInterface
- LoggerAwareTrait
- Basic Implementation of LoggerAwareInterface.
- LoggerTrait
- This is a simple Logger trait that classes unable to extend AbstractLogger (because they extend another class, etc) can include.
- CRYPT_RSA_MODE = constant($this->getOpenSslConstant())
- false = \true
- null = \true
- PHP_FLOAT_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503E-16
- PHP_FLOAT_MAX = 1.7976931348623157E+308
- PHP_FLOAT_MIN = 2.2250738585072E-308
- PHP_OS_FAMILY = \Symfony\Polyfill\Php72\Php72::php_os_family()
- PHP_VERSION_ID = $RandomCompatversion[0] * 10000 + $RandomCompatversion[1] * 100 + $RandomCompatversion[2]
- PHP_XMLRPC_COMPAT_DIR = \dirname(__FILE__) . '/compat/'
- true = \false
- htmLawed() : mixed
- hl_attrval() : mixed
- hl_bal() : mixed
- hl_cmtcd() : mixed
- hl_ent() : mixed
- hl_prot() : mixed
- hl_regex() : mixed
- hl_spec() : mixed
- hl_tag() : mixed
- hl_tag2() : mixed
- hl_tidy() : mixed
- hl_version() : mixed
- kses() : mixed
- kses_hook() : mixed
- composerRequire41ec22823faeb187c2fc8ae78a2d5464() : mixed
- includeFile() : mixed
- Scope isolated include.
- oauth2client_php_autoload() : mixed
- uri_template() : string
- Expands a URI template
- describe_type() : string
- Debug function used to describe the provided value type and class.
- headers_from_lines() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Parses an array of header lines into an associative array of headers.
- debug_resource() : resource
- Returns a debug stream based on the provided variable.
- choose_handler() : callable
- Chooses and creates a default handler to use based on the environment.
- default_user_agent() : string
- Get the default User-Agent string to use with Guzzle
- default_ca_bundle() : string
- Returns the default cacert bundle for the current system.
- normalize_header_keys() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Creates an associative array of lowercase header names to the actual header casing.
- is_host_in_noproxy() : bool
- Returns true if the provided host matches any of the no proxy areas.
- json_decode() : mixed
- Wrapper for json_decode that throws when an error occurs.
- json_encode() : string
- Wrapper for JSON encoding that throws when an error occurs.
- queue() : TaskQueueInterface
- Get the global task queue used for promise resolution.
- task() : PromiseInterface
- Adds a function to run in the task queue when it is next `run()` and returns a promise that is fulfilled or rejected with the result.
- promise_for() : PromiseInterface
- Creates a promise for a value if the value is not a promise.
- rejection_for() : PromiseInterface
- Creates a rejected promise for a reason if the reason is not a promise. If the provided reason is a promise, then it is returned as-is.
- exception_for() : Exception|Throwable
- Create an exception for a rejected promise value.
- iter_for() : Iterator
- Returns an iterator for the given value.
- inspect() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Synchronously waits on a promise to resolve and returns an inspection state array.
- inspect_all() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Waits on all of the provided promises, but does not unwrap rejected promises as thrown exception.
- unwrap() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Waits on all of the provided promises and returns the fulfilled values.
- all() : PromiseInterface
- Given an array of promises, return a promise that is fulfilled when all the items in the array are fulfilled.
- some() : PromiseInterface
- Initiate a competitive race between multiple promises or values (values will become immediately fulfilled promises).
- any() : PromiseInterface
- Like some(), with 1 as count. However, if the promise fulfills, the fulfillment value is not an array of 1 but the value directly.
- settle() : PromiseInterface
- Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all of the provided promises have been fulfilled or rejected.
- each() : PromiseInterface
- Given an iterator that yields promises or values, returns a promise that is fulfilled with a null value when the iterator has been consumed or the aggregate promise has been fulfilled or rejected.
- each_limit() : PromiseInterface
- Like each, but only allows a certain number of outstanding promises at any given time.
- each_limit_all() : PromiseInterface
- Like each_limit, but ensures that no promise in the given $iterable argument is rejected. If any promise is rejected, then the aggregate promise is rejected with the encountered rejection.
- is_fulfilled() : bool
- Returns true if a promise is fulfilled.
- is_rejected() : bool
- Returns true if a promise is rejected.
- is_settled() : bool
- Returns true if a promise is fulfilled or rejected.
- coroutine() : PromiseInterface
- Create a new coroutine.
- str() : string
- Returns the string representation of an HTTP message.
- uri_for() : UriInterface
- Returns a UriInterface for the given value.
- stream_for() : StreamInterface
- Create a new stream based on the input type.
- parse_header() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Parse an array of header values containing ";" separated data into an array of associative arrays representing the header key value pair data of the header. When a parameter does not contain a value, but just contains a key, this function will inject a key with a '' string value.
- normalize_header() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Converts an array of header values that may contain comma separated headers into an array of headers with no comma separated values.
- modify_request() : RequestInterface
- Clone and modify a request with the given changes.
- rewind_body() : mixed
- Attempts to rewind a message body and throws an exception on failure.
- try_fopen() : resource
- Safely opens a PHP stream resource using a filename.
- copy_to_string() : string
- Copy the contents of a stream into a string until the given number of bytes have been read.
- copy_to_stream() : mixed
- Copy the contents of a stream into another stream until the given number of bytes have been read.
- hash() : string
- Calculate a hash of a stream.
- readline() : string
- Read a line from the stream up to the maximum allowed buffer length.
- parse_request() : Request
- Parses a request message string into a request object.
- parse_response() : Response
- Parses a response message string into a response object.
- parse_query() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Parse a query string into an associative array.
- build_query() : string
- Build a query string from an array of key value pairs.
- mimetype_from_filename() : string|null
- Determines the mimetype of a file by looking at its extension.
- mimetype_from_extension() : string|null
- Maps a file extensions to a mimetype.
- get_message_body_summary() : string|null
- Get a short summary of the message body.
- RandomCompat_strlen() : int
- strlen() implementation that isn't brittle to mbstring.func_overload
- RandomCompat_substr() : string
- substr() implementation that isn't brittle to mbstring.func_overload
- RandomCompat_intval() : float|int
- Cast to an integer if we can, safely.
- random_bytes() : string
- We don't have any more options, so let's throw an exception right now and hope the developer won't let it fail silently.
- random_bytes() : string
- Windows with PHP < 5.3.0 will not have the function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() available, so let's use CAPICOM to work around this deficiency.
- random_bytes() : string
- Unless open_basedir is enabled, use /dev/urandom for random numbers in accordance with best practices
- random_bytes() : string
- If the libsodium PHP extension is loaded, we'll use it above any other solution.
- random_bytes() : string
- If the libsodium PHP extension is loaded, we'll use it above any other solution.
- random_bytes() : string
- Powered by ext/mcrypt (and thankfully NOT libmcrypt)
- random_int() : int
- Fetch a random integer between $min and $max inclusive
- getallheaders() : mixed
- Get all HTTP header key/values as an associative array for the current request.
- idn_to_ascii() : mixed
- idn_to_utf8() : mixed
- normalizer_is_normalized() : mixed
- normalizer_normalize() : mixed
- intdiv() : mixed
- preg_replace_callback_array() : mixed
- error_clear_last() : mixed
- sapi_windows_vt100_support() : mixed
- stream_isatty() : mixed
- utf8_encode() : mixed
- utf8_decode() : mixed
- spl_object_id() : mixed
- mb_ord() : mixed
- mb_chr() : mixed
- mb_scrub() : mixed
- xmlrpc_encode_entitites() : mixed
- Convert a string to the correct XML representation in a target charset To help correct communication of non-ascii chars inside strings, regardless of the charset used when sending requests, parsing them, sending responses and parsing responses, an option is to convert all non-ascii chars present in the message into their equivalent 'charset entity'. Charset entities enumerated this way are independent of the charset encoding used to transmit them, and all XML parsers are bound to understand them.
- xmlrpc_se() : mixed
- xmlrpc_se_any() : mixed
- xmlrpc_ee() : mixed
- xmlrpc_ee_fast() : mixed
- xmlrpc_cd() : mixed
- xmlrpc_dh() : mixed
- iso8601_encode() : string
- Given a timestamp, return the corresponding ISO8601 encoded string.
- iso8601_decode() : int
- Given an ISO8601 date string, return a timet in the localtime, or UTC
- php_xmlrpc_decode() : mixed
- Takes an xmlrpc value in PHP xmlrpcval object format and translates it into native PHP types.
- php_xmlrpc_encode() : xmlrpcval
- Takes native php types and encodes them into xmlrpc PHP object format.
- php_xmlrpc_decode_xml() : mixed
- Convert the xml representation of a method response, method request or single xmlrpc value into the appropriate object (a.k.a. deserialize)
- decode_chunked() : string
- decode a string that is encoded w/ "chunked" transfer encoding as defined in rfc2068 par. 19.4.6 code shamelessly stolen from nusoap library by Dietrich Ayala
- guess_encoding() : mixed
- xml charset encoding guessing helper function.
- is_valid_charset() : mixed
- Checks if a given charset encoding is present in a list of encodings or if it is a valid subset of any encoding in the list
- _xmlrpcs_getCapabilities() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_listMethods() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_methodSignature() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_methodHelp() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_multicall_error() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call_phpvals() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_multicall() : mixed
- _xmlrpcs_errorHandler() : mixed
- Error handler used to track errors that occur during server-side execution of PHP code.
- xmlrpc_debugmsg() : mixed
- Add a string to the debug info that can be later seralized by the server as part of the response message.
= constant($this->getOpenSslConstant())
= \true
= 1
= 4
= 8
= 0
= 2048
= 4096
= 128
= 4
= 1
= 32
= 1024
= 512
= 2
= 64
= 8
= 256
= 16
= 16
= 32
= 2
= 0
= 1
= true
= true
= \true
= 15
= 2.2204460492503E-16
= 1.7976931348623157E+308
= 2.2250738585072E-308
= \Symfony\Polyfill\Php72\Php72::php_os_family()
= $RandomCompatversion[0] * 10000 + $RandomCompatversion[1] * 100 + $RandomCompatversion[2]
= \dirname(__FILE__) . '/compat/'
= 8
= 8
= \false
= 66564
= 66562
= 66568
= 66569
= 66560
= 66566
= 66560
= 66563
= 66561
= 66565
= 66567
= 66562
= 66560
= 66561
= '0'
htmLawed(mixed $t[, mixed $C = 1 ][, mixed $S = array() ]) : mixed
- $t : mixed
- $C : mixed = 1
- $S : mixed = array()
hl_attrval(mixed $t, mixed $p) : mixed
- $t : mixed
- $p : mixed
hl_bal(mixed $t[, mixed $do = 1 ][, mixed $in = 'div' ]) : mixed
- $t : mixed
- $do : mixed = 1
- $in : mixed = 'div'
hl_cmtcd(mixed $t) : mixed
- $t : mixed
hl_ent(mixed $t) : mixed
- $t : mixed
hl_prot(mixed $p[, mixed $c = null ]) : mixed
- $p : mixed
- $c : mixed = null
hl_regex(mixed $p) : mixed
- $p : mixed
hl_spec(mixed $t) : mixed
- $t : mixed
hl_tag(mixed $t) : mixed
- $t : mixed
hl_tag2(mixed &$e, mixed &$a[, mixed $t = 1 ]) : mixed
- $e : mixed
- $a : mixed
- $t : mixed = 1
hl_tidy(mixed $t, mixed $w, mixed $p) : mixed
- $t : mixed
- $w : mixed
- $p : mixed
hl_version() : mixed
kses(mixed $t, mixed $h[, mixed $p = array('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'news', 'nntp', 'telnet', 'gopher', 'mailto') ]) : mixed
- $t : mixed
- $h : mixed
- $p : mixed = array('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'news', 'nntp', 'telnet', 'gopher', 'mailto')
kses_hook(mixed $t, mixed &$C, mixed &$S) : mixed
- $t : mixed
- $C : mixed
- $S : mixed
composerRequire41ec22823faeb187c2fc8ae78a2d5464(mixed $fileIdentifier, mixed $file) : mixed
- $fileIdentifier : mixed
- $file : mixed
Scope isolated include.
includeFile(mixed $file) : mixed
Prevents access to $this/self from included files.
- $file : mixed
oauth2client_php_autoload(mixed $className) : mixed
- $className : mixed
Expands a URI template
uri_template(string $template, array<string|int, mixed> $variables) : string
- $template : string
URI template
- $variables : array<string|int, mixed>
Template variables
Return values
Debug function used to describe the provided value type and class.
describe_type(mixed $input) : string
- $input : mixed
Return values
string —Returns a string containing the type of the variable and if a class is provided, the class name.
Parses an array of header lines into an associative array of headers.
headers_from_lines(iterable<string|int, mixed> $lines) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $lines : iterable<string|int, mixed>
Header lines array of strings in the following format: "Name: Value"
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>debug_resource()
Returns a debug stream based on the provided variable.
debug_resource([mixed $value = null ]) : resource
- $value : mixed = null
Optional value
Return values
Chooses and creates a default handler to use based on the environment.
choose_handler() : callable
The returned handler is not wrapped by any default middlewares.
Return values
callable —Returns the best handler for the given system.
Get the default User-Agent string to use with Guzzle
default_user_agent() : string
Return values
Returns the default cacert bundle for the current system.
default_ca_bundle() : string
First, the openssl.cafile and curl.cainfo php.ini settings are checked. If those settings are not configured, then the common locations for bundles found on Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, FreeBSD, OS X and Windows are checked. If any of these file locations are found on disk, they will be utilized.
Note: the result of this function is cached for subsequent calls.
Return values
Creates an associative array of lowercase header names to the actual header casing.
normalize_header_keys(array<string|int, mixed> $headers) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $headers : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>is_host_in_noproxy()
Returns true if the provided host matches any of the no proxy areas.
is_host_in_noproxy(string $host, array<string|int, mixed> $noProxyArray) : bool
This method will strip a port from the host if it is present. Each pattern can be matched with an exact match (e.g., "" == "") or a partial match: (e.g., "" == "" and "" == "", but "" != "").
Areas are matched in the following cases:
- "*" (without quotes) always matches any hosts.
- An exact match.
- The area starts with "." and the area is the last part of the host. e.g. '' will match any host that ends with ''.
- $host : string
Host to check against the patterns.
- $noProxyArray : array<string|int, mixed>
An array of host patterns.
Return values
Wrapper for json_decode that throws when an error occurs.
json_decode(string $json[, bool $assoc = false ][, int $depth = 512 ][, int $options = 0 ]) : mixed
- $json : string
JSON data to parse
- $assoc : bool = false
When true, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays.
- $depth : int = 512
User specified recursion depth.
- $options : int = 0
Bitmask of JSON decode options.
Wrapper for JSON encoding that throws when an error occurs.
json_encode(mixed $value[, int $options = 0 ][, int $depth = 512 ]) : string
- $value : mixed
The value being encoded
- $options : int = 0
JSON encode option bitmask
- $depth : int = 512
Set the maximum depth. Must be greater than zero.
Return values
Get the global task queue used for promise resolution.
queue will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::queue instead.
queue([TaskQueueInterface $assign = null ]) : TaskQueueInterface
This task queue MUST be run in an event loop in order for promises to be settled asynchronously. It will be automatically run when synchronously waiting on a promise.
while ($eventLoop->isRunning()) {
- $assign : TaskQueueInterface = null
Optionally specify a new queue instance.
Return values
Adds a function to run in the task queue when it is next `run()` and returns a promise that is fulfilled or rejected with the result.
task will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::task instead.
task(callable $task) : PromiseInterface
- $task : callable
Task function to run.
Return values
Creates a promise for a value if the value is not a promise.
promise_for will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Create::promiseFor instead.
promise_for(mixed $value) : PromiseInterface
- $value : mixed
Promise or value.
Return values
Creates a rejected promise for a reason if the reason is not a promise. If the provided reason is a promise, then it is returned as-is.
rejection_for will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Create::rejectionFor instead.
rejection_for(mixed $reason) : PromiseInterface
- $reason : mixed
Promise or reason.
Return values
Create an exception for a rejected promise value.
exception_for will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Create::exceptionFor instead.
exception_for(mixed $reason) : Exception|Throwable
- $reason : mixed
Return values
Returns an iterator for the given value.
iter_for will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Create::iterFor instead.
iter_for(mixed $value) : Iterator
- $value : mixed
Return values
Synchronously waits on a promise to resolve and returns an inspection state array.
inspect will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::inspect instead.
inspect(PromiseInterface $promise) : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a state associative array containing a "state" key mapping to a valid promise state. If the state of the promise is "fulfilled", the array will contain a "value" key mapping to the fulfilled value of the promise. If the promise is rejected, the array will contain a "reason" key mapping to the rejection reason of the promise.
- $promise : PromiseInterface
Promise or value.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>inspect_all()
Waits on all of the provided promises, but does not unwrap rejected promises as thrown exception.
inspect will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::inspectAll instead.
inspect_all(array<string|int, PromiseInterface> $promises) : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array of inspection state arrays.
- $promises : array<string|int, PromiseInterface>
Traversable of promises to wait upon.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>unwrap()
Waits on all of the provided promises and returns the fulfilled values.
unwrap will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::unwrap instead.
unwrap(iterable<string|int, PromiseInterface> $promises) : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array that contains the value of each promise (in the same order the promises were provided). An exception is thrown if any of the promises are rejected.
- $promises : iterable<string|int, PromiseInterface>
Iterable of PromiseInterface objects to wait on.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>all()
Given an array of promises, return a promise that is fulfilled when all the items in the array are fulfilled.
all will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::all instead.
all(mixed $promises[, bool $recursive = false ]) : PromiseInterface
The promise's fulfillment value is an array with fulfillment values at respective positions to the original array. If any promise in the array rejects, the returned promise is rejected with the rejection reason.
- $promises : mixed
Promises or values.
- $recursive : bool = false
If true, resolves new promises that might have been added to the stack during its own resolution.
Return values
Initiate a competitive race between multiple promises or values (values will become immediately fulfilled promises).
some will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::some instead.
some(int $count, mixed $promises) : PromiseInterface
When count amount of promises have been fulfilled, the returned promise is fulfilled with an array that contains the fulfillment values of the winners in order of resolution.
This promise is rejected with a AggregateException if the number of fulfilled promises is less than the desired $count.
- $count : int
Total number of promises.
- $promises : mixed
Promises or values.
Return values
Like some(), with 1 as count. However, if the promise fulfills, the fulfillment value is not an array of 1 but the value directly.
any will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::any instead.
any(mixed $promises) : PromiseInterface
- $promises : mixed
Promises or values.
Return values
Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all of the provided promises have been fulfilled or rejected.
settle will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Utils::settle instead.
settle(mixed $promises) : PromiseInterface
The returned promise is fulfilled with an array of inspection state arrays.
- $promises : mixed
Promises or values.
Return values
Given an iterator that yields promises or values, returns a promise that is fulfilled with a null value when the iterator has been consumed or the aggregate promise has been fulfilled or rejected.
each will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Each::of instead.
each(mixed $iterable[, callable $onFulfilled = null ][, callable $onRejected = null ]) : PromiseInterface
$onFulfilled is a function that accepts the fulfilled value, iterator index, and the aggregate promise. The callback can invoke any necessary side effects and choose to resolve or reject the aggregate if needed.
$onRejected is a function that accepts the rejection reason, iterator index, and the aggregate promise. The callback can invoke any necessary side effects and choose to resolve or reject the aggregate if needed.
- $iterable : mixed
Iterator or array to iterate over.
- $onFulfilled : callable = null
- $onRejected : callable = null
Return values
Like each, but only allows a certain number of outstanding promises at any given time.
each_limit will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Each::ofLimit instead.
each_limit(mixed $iterable, int|callable $concurrency[, callable $onFulfilled = null ][, callable $onRejected = null ]) : PromiseInterface
$concurrency may be an integer or a function that accepts the number of pending promises and returns a numeric concurrency limit value to allow for dynamic a concurrency size.
- $iterable : mixed
- $concurrency : int|callable
- $onFulfilled : callable = null
- $onRejected : callable = null
Return values
Like each_limit, but ensures that no promise in the given $iterable argument is rejected. If any promise is rejected, then the aggregate promise is rejected with the encountered rejection.
each_limit_all will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Each::ofLimitAll instead.
each_limit_all(mixed $iterable, int|callable $concurrency[, callable $onFulfilled = null ]) : PromiseInterface
- $iterable : mixed
- $concurrency : int|callable
- $onFulfilled : callable = null
Return values
Returns true if a promise is fulfilled.
is_fulfilled will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Is::fulfilled instead.
is_fulfilled(PromiseInterface $promise) : bool
- $promise : PromiseInterface
Return values
Returns true if a promise is rejected.
is_rejected will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Is::rejected instead.
is_rejected(PromiseInterface $promise) : bool
- $promise : PromiseInterface
Return values
Returns true if a promise is fulfilled or rejected.
is_settled will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Is::settled instead.
is_settled(PromiseInterface $promise) : bool
- $promise : PromiseInterface
Return values
Create a new coroutine.
coroutine will be removed in guzzlehttp/promises:2.0. Use Coroutine::of instead.
coroutine(callable $generatorFn) : PromiseInterface
- $generatorFn : callable
Return values
Returns the string representation of an HTTP message.
str will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Message::toString instead.
str(MessageInterface $message) : string
- $message : MessageInterface
Message to convert to a string.
Return values
Returns a UriInterface for the given value.
uri_for will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::uriFor instead.
uri_for(string|UriInterface $uri) : UriInterface
This function accepts a string or UriInterface and returns a UriInterface for the given value. If the value is already a UriInterface, it is returned as-is.
- $uri : string|UriInterface
Return values
Create a new stream based on the input type.
stream_for will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::streamFor instead.
stream_for([resource|string|int|float|bool|StreamInterface|callable|Iterator|null $resource = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : StreamInterface
Options is an associative array that can contain the following keys:
- metadata: Array of custom metadata.
- size: Size of the stream.
This method accepts the following $resource
: Returns the value as-is.string
: Creates a stream object that uses the given string as the contents.resource
: Creates a stream object that wraps the given PHP stream resource.Iterator
: If the provided value implementsIterator
, then a read-only stream object will be created that wraps the given iterable. Each time the stream is read from, data from the iterator will fill a buffer and will be continuously called until the buffer is equal to the requested read size. Subsequent read calls will first read from the buffer and then callnext
on the underlying iterator until it is exhausted.object
: If the object has the__toString()
method, the object will be cast to a string and then a stream will be returned that uses the string value.NULL
: Whennull
is passed, an empty stream object is returned.callable
When a callable is passed, a read-only stream object will be created that invokes the given callable. The callable is invoked with the number of suggested bytes to read. The callable can return any number of bytes, but MUST returnfalse
when there is no more data to return. The stream object that wraps the callable will invoke the callable until the number of requested bytes are available. Any additional bytes will be buffered and used in subsequent reads.
- $resource : resource|string|int|float|bool|StreamInterface|callable|Iterator|null = ''
Entity body data
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Additional options
Return values
Parse an array of header values containing ";" separated data into an array of associative arrays representing the header key value pair data of the header. When a parameter does not contain a value, but just contains a key, this function will inject a key with a '' string value.
parse_header will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Header::parse instead.
parse_header(string|array<string|int, mixed> $header) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $header : string|array<string|int, mixed>
Header to parse into components.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Returns the parsed header values.
Converts an array of header values that may contain comma separated headers into an array of headers with no comma separated values.
normalize_header will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Header::normalize instead.
normalize_header(string|array<string|int, mixed> $header) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $header : string|array<string|int, mixed>
Header to normalize.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Returns the normalized header field values.
Clone and modify a request with the given changes.
modify_request will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::modifyRequest instead.
modify_request(RequestInterface $request, array<string|int, mixed> $changes) : RequestInterface
This method is useful for reducing the number of clones needed to mutate a message.
The changes can be one of:
- method: (string) Changes the HTTP method.
- set_headers: (array) Sets the given headers.
- remove_headers: (array) Remove the given headers.
- body: (mixed) Sets the given body.
- uri: (UriInterface) Set the URI.
- query: (string) Set the query string value of the URI.
- version: (string) Set the protocol version.
- $request : RequestInterface
Request to clone and modify.
- $changes : array<string|int, mixed>
Changes to apply.
Return values
Attempts to rewind a message body and throws an exception on failure.
rewind_body will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Message::rewindBody instead.
rewind_body(MessageInterface $message) : mixed
The body of the message will only be rewound if a call to tell()
returns a
value other than 0
- $message : MessageInterface
Message to rewind
Safely opens a PHP stream resource using a filename.
try_fopen will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::tryFopen instead.
try_fopen(string $filename, string $mode) : resource
When fopen fails, PHP normally raises a warning. This function adds an error handler that checks for errors and throws an exception instead.
- $filename : string
File to open
- $mode : string
Mode used to open the file
Return values
Copy the contents of a stream into a string until the given number of bytes have been read.
copy_to_string will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::copyToString instead.
copy_to_string(StreamInterface $stream[, int $maxLen = -1 ]) : string
- $stream : StreamInterface
Stream to read
- $maxLen : int = -1
Maximum number of bytes to read. Pass -1 to read the entire stream.
Return values
Copy the contents of a stream into another stream until the given number of bytes have been read.
copy_to_stream will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::copyToStream instead.
copy_to_stream(StreamInterface $source, StreamInterface $dest[, int $maxLen = -1 ]) : mixed
- $source : StreamInterface
Stream to read from
- $dest : StreamInterface
Stream to write to
- $maxLen : int = -1
Maximum number of bytes to read. Pass -1 to read the entire stream.
Calculate a hash of a stream.
hash will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::hash instead.
hash(StreamInterface $stream, string $algo[, bool $rawOutput = false ]) : string
This method reads the entire stream to calculate a rolling hash, based on
PHP's hash_init
- $stream : StreamInterface
Stream to calculate the hash for
- $algo : string
Hash algorithm (e.g. md5, crc32, etc)
- $rawOutput : bool = false
Whether or not to use raw output
Return values
string —Returns the hash of the stream
Read a line from the stream up to the maximum allowed buffer length.
readline will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Utils::readLine instead.
readline(StreamInterface $stream[, int|null $maxLength = null ]) : string
- $stream : StreamInterface
Stream to read from
- $maxLength : int|null = null
Maximum buffer length
Return values
Parses a request message string into a request object.
parse_request will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Message::parseRequest instead.
parse_request(string $message) : Request
- $message : string
Request message string.
Return values
Parses a response message string into a response object.
parse_response will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Message::parseResponse instead.
parse_response(string $message) : Response
- $message : string
Response message string.
Return values
Parse a query string into an associative array.
parse_query will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Query::parse instead.
parse_query(string $str[, int|bool $urlEncoding = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
If multiple values are found for the same key, the value of that key value
pair will become an array. This function does not parse nested PHP style
arrays into an associative array (e.g., foo[a]=1&foo[b]=2
will be parsed
into ['foo[a]' => '1', 'foo[b]' => '2'])
- $str : string
Query string to parse
- $urlEncoding : int|bool = true
How the query string is encoded
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>build_query()
Build a query string from an array of key value pairs.
build_query will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Query::build instead.
build_query(array<string|int, mixed> $params[, int|false $encoding = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 ]) : string
This function can use the return value of parse_query()
to build a query
string. This function does not modify the provided keys when an array is
encountered (like http_build_query()
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Query string parameters.
- $encoding : int|false = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986
Set to false to not encode, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 to encode using RFC3986, or PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 to encode using RFC1738.
Return values
Determines the mimetype of a file by looking at its extension.
mimetype_from_filename will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use MimeType::fromFilename instead.
mimetype_from_filename(string $filename) : string|null
- $filename : string
Return values
Maps a file extensions to a mimetype.
mimetype_from_extension will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use MimeType::fromExtension instead.
mimetype_from_extension(mixed $extension) : string|null
- $extension : mixed
string The file extension.
Return values
Get a short summary of the message body.
get_message_body_summary will be removed in guzzlehttp/psr7:2.0. Use Message::bodySummary instead.
get_message_body_summary(MessageInterface $message[, int $truncateAt = 120 ]) : string|null
Will return null
if the response is not printable.
- $message : MessageInterface
The message to get the body summary
- $truncateAt : int = 120
The maximum allowed size of the summary
Return values
strlen() implementation that isn't brittle to mbstring.func_overload
RandomCompat_strlen(string $binary_string) : int
This version just used the default strlen()
- $binary_string : string
Return values
substr() implementation that isn't brittle to mbstring.func_overload
RandomCompat_substr(string $binary_string, int $start[, int|null $length = null ]) : string
This version just uses the default substr()
- $binary_string : string
- $start : int
- $length : int|null = null
Return values
Cast to an integer if we can, safely.
RandomCompat_intval(int|float $number[, bool $fail_open = false ]) : float|int
If you pass it a float in the range (~PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_MAX) (non-inclusive), it will sanely cast it to an int. If you it's equal to ~PHP_INT_MAX or PHP_INT_MAX, we let it fail as not an integer. Floats lose precision, so the <= and => operators might accidentally let a float through.
- $number : int|float
The number we want to convert to an int
- $fail_open : bool = false
Set to true to not throw an exception
Return values
We don't have any more options, so let's throw an exception right now and hope the developer won't let it fail silently.
random_bytes(mixed $length) : string
- $length : mixed
Return values
Windows with PHP < 5.3.0 will not have the function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() available, so let's use CAPICOM to work around this deficiency.
random_bytes(int $bytes) : string
- $bytes : int
Return values
Unless open_basedir is enabled, use /dev/urandom for random numbers in accordance with best practices
random_bytes(int $bytes) : string
Why we use /dev/urandom and not /dev/random
- $bytes : int
Return values
If the libsodium PHP extension is loaded, we'll use it above any other solution.
random_bytes(int $bytes) : string
libsodium-php project:
- $bytes : int
Return values
If the libsodium PHP extension is loaded, we'll use it above any other solution.
random_bytes(int $bytes) : string
libsodium-php project:
- $bytes : int
Return values
Powered by ext/mcrypt (and thankfully NOT libmcrypt)
random_bytes(int $bytes) : string
- $bytes : int
Return values
Fetch a random integer between $min and $max inclusive
random_int(int $min, int $max) : int
- $min : int
- $max : int
Return values
Get all HTTP header key/values as an associative array for the current request.
getallheaders() : mixed
Return values
mixed —The HTTP header key/value pairs.
idn_to_ascii(mixed $domain[, mixed $options = IDNA_DEFAULT ][, mixed $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ][, mixed &$idna_info = array() ]) : mixed
- $domain : mixed
- $options : mixed = IDNA_DEFAULT
- $variant : mixed = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46
- $idna_info : mixed = array()
idn_to_utf8(mixed $domain[, mixed $options = IDNA_DEFAULT ][, mixed $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ][, mixed &$idna_info = array() ]) : mixed
- $domain : mixed
- $options : mixed = IDNA_DEFAULT
- $variant : mixed = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46
- $idna_info : mixed = array()
normalizer_is_normalized(mixed $input[, mixed $form = pNormalizer::NFC ]) : mixed
- $input : mixed
- $form : mixed = pNormalizer::NFC
normalizer_normalize(mixed $input[, mixed $form = pNormalizer::NFC ]) : mixed
- $input : mixed
- $form : mixed = pNormalizer::NFC
intdiv(mixed $dividend, mixed $divisor) : mixed
- $dividend : mixed
- $divisor : mixed
preg_replace_callback_array(array<string|int, mixed> $patterns, mixed $subject[, mixed $limit = -1 ][, mixed &$count = 0 ]) : mixed
- $patterns : array<string|int, mixed>
- $subject : mixed
- $limit : mixed = -1
- $count : mixed = 0
error_clear_last() : mixed
sapi_windows_vt100_support(mixed $stream[, mixed $enable = null ]) : mixed
- $stream : mixed
- $enable : mixed = null
stream_isatty(mixed $stream) : mixed
- $stream : mixed
utf8_encode(mixed $string) : mixed
- $string : mixed
utf8_decode(mixed $string) : mixed
- $string : mixed
spl_object_id(mixed $object) : mixed
- $object : mixed
mb_ord(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
mb_chr(mixed $codepoint[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $codepoint : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
mb_scrub(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Convert a string to the correct XML representation in a target charset To help correct communication of non-ascii chars inside strings, regardless of the charset used when sending requests, parsing them, sending responses and parsing responses, an option is to convert all non-ascii chars present in the message into their equivalent 'charset entity'. Charset entities enumerated this way are independent of the charset encoding used to transmit them, and all XML parsers are bound to understand them.
xmlrpc_encode_entitites(mixed $data[, mixed $src_encoding = '' ][, mixed $dest_encoding = '' ]) : mixed
Note that in the std case we are not sending a charset encoding mime type along with http headers, so we are bound by RFC 3023 to emit strict us-ascii.
- $data : mixed
- $src_encoding : mixed = ''
- $dest_encoding : mixed = ''
xmlrpc_se(mixed $parser, mixed $name, mixed $attrs[, mixed $accept_single_vals = false ]) : mixed
- $parser : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $attrs : mixed
- $accept_single_vals : mixed = false
xmlrpc_se_any(mixed $parser, mixed $name, mixed $attrs) : mixed
- $parser : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $attrs : mixed
xmlrpc_ee(mixed $parser, mixed $name[, mixed $rebuild_xmlrpcvals = true ]) : mixed
- $parser : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $rebuild_xmlrpcvals : mixed = true
xmlrpc_ee_fast(mixed $parser, mixed $name) : mixed
- $parser : mixed
- $name : mixed
xmlrpc_cd(mixed $parser, mixed $data) : mixed
- $parser : mixed
- $data : mixed
xmlrpc_dh(mixed $parser, mixed $data) : mixed
- $parser : mixed
- $data : mixed
Given a timestamp, return the corresponding ISO8601 encoded string.
iso8601_encode(int $timet[, int $utc = 0 ]) : string
Really, timezones ought to be supported but the XML-RPC spec says:
"Don't assume a timezone. It should be specified by the server in its documentation what assumptions it makes about timezones."
These routines always assume localtime unless $utc is set to 1, in which case UTC is assumed and an adjustment for locale is made when encoding
- $timet : int
- $utc : int = 0
(0 or 1)
Return values
Given an ISO8601 date string, return a timet in the localtime, or UTC
iso8601_decode(string $idate[, int $utc = 0 ]) : int
- $idate : string
- $utc : int = 0
either 0 or 1
Return values
int —(datetime)
Takes an xmlrpc value in PHP xmlrpcval object format and translates it into native PHP types.
php_xmlrpc_decode(xmlrpcval $xmlrpc_val[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = array() ]) : mixed
Works with xmlrpc message objects as input, too.
Given proper options parameter, can rebuild generic php object instances (provided those have been encoded to xmlrpc format using a corresponding option in php_xmlrpc_encode()) PLEASE NOTE that rebuilding php objects involves calling their constructor function. This means that the remote communication end can decide which php code will get executed on your server, leaving the door possibly open to 'php-injection' style of attacks (provided you have some classes defined on your server that might wreak havoc if instances are built outside an appropriate context). Make sure you trust the remote server/client before eanbling this!
- $xmlrpc_val : xmlrpcval
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
if 'decode_php_objs' is set in the options array, xmlrpc structs can be decoded into php objects
Takes native php types and encodes them into xmlrpc PHP object format.
& php_xmlrpc_encode(mixed $php_val[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = array() ]) : xmlrpcval
It will not re-encode xmlrpcval objects.
Feature creep -- could support more types via optional type argument (string => datetime support has been added, ??? => base64 not yet)
If given a proper options parameter, php object instances will be encoded into 'special' xmlrpc values, that can later be decoded into php objects by calling php_xmlrpc_decode() with a corresponding option
- $php_val : mixed
the value to be converted into an xmlrpcval object
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
can include 'encode_php_objs', 'auto_dates', 'null_extension' or 'extension_api'
Return values
Convert the xml representation of a method response, method request or single xmlrpc value into the appropriate object (a.k.a. deserialize)
php_xmlrpc_decode_xml(string $xml_val[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = array() ]) : mixed
- $xml_val : string
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Return values
mixed —false on error, or an instance of either xmlrpcval, xmlrpcmsg or xmlrpcresp
decode a string that is encoded w/ "chunked" transfer encoding as defined in rfc2068 par. 19.4.6 code shamelessly stolen from nusoap library by Dietrich Ayala
decode_chunked(string $buffer) : string
- $buffer : string
the string to be decoded
Return values
xml charset encoding guessing helper function.
guess_encoding([mixed $httpheader = '' ][, string $xmlchunk = '' ][, string $encoding_prefs = null ]) : mixed
Tries to determine the charset encoding of an XML chunk received over HTTP. NB: according to the spec (RFC 3023, if text/xml content-type is received over HTTP without a content-type, we SHOULD assume it is strictly US-ASCII. But we try to be more tolerant of unconforming (legacy?) clients/servers, which will be most probably using UTF-8 anyway...
- $httpheader : mixed = ''
- $xmlchunk : string = ''
xml content buffer
- $encoding_prefs : string = null
comma separated list of character encodings to be used as default (when mb extension is enabled)
Checks if a given charset encoding is present in a list of encodings or if it is a valid subset of any encoding in the list
is_valid_charset(string $encoding, mixed $validlist) : mixed
- $encoding : string
charset to be tested
- $validlist : mixed
comma separated list of valid charsets (or array of charsets)
_xmlrpcs_getCapabilities(mixed $server[, mixed $m = null ]) : mixed
- $server : mixed
- $m : mixed = null
_xmlrpcs_listMethods(mixed $server[, mixed $m = null ]) : mixed
- $server : mixed
- $m : mixed = null
_xmlrpcs_methodSignature(mixed $server, mixed $m) : mixed
- $server : mixed
- $m : mixed
_xmlrpcs_methodHelp(mixed $server, mixed $m) : mixed
- $server : mixed
- $m : mixed
_xmlrpcs_multicall_error(mixed $err) : mixed
- $err : mixed
_xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call(mixed $server, mixed $call) : mixed
- $server : mixed
- $call : mixed
_xmlrpcs_multicall_do_call_phpvals(mixed $server, mixed $call) : mixed
- $server : mixed
- $call : mixed
_xmlrpcs_multicall(mixed $server, mixed $m) : mixed
- $server : mixed
- $m : mixed
Error handler used to track errors that occur during server-side execution of PHP code.
_xmlrpcs_errorHandler(mixed $errcode, mixed $errstring[, mixed $filename = null ][, mixed $lineno = null ][, mixed $context = null ]) : mixed
This allows to report back to the client whether an internal error has occurred or not using an xmlrpc response object, instead of letting the client deal with the html junk that a PHP execution error on the server generally entails.
NB: in fact a user defined error handler can only handle WARNING, NOTICE and USER_* errors.
- $errcode : mixed
- $errstring : mixed
- $filename : mixed = null
- $lineno : mixed = null
- $context : mixed = null
Add a string to the debug info that can be later seralized by the server as part of the response message.
xmlrpc_debugmsg(string $m) : mixed
Note that for best compatbility, the debug string should be encoded using the $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'] character set.
- $m : string