Table of Contents
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 415 | update to database |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 213 | need to understand how the system store the editableHtml content so that no need to do this checking |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 133 | blogger subscription. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 73 | check if the foundry plugin enabled or not. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 24 | Some checking required here |
TODO | 40 | Check whether to load groupjive,jomsocial or any other group collaboration tools here. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 143 | Language string |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 113 | Language |
TODO | 129 | Language |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 148 | Language |
TODO | 727 | Language |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 781 | Language |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 1640 | I'm not sure if specific user, e.g. user 128 viewing user 64, |
TODO | 1866 | Strip off . & .. for security reasons or add other types of security measures. |
TODO | 2639 | Move this to a proper Math library |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 181 | to load the body content using dom document libary. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 177 | Rename blog_contribute to isssitewide in composer form. |
TODO | 4013 | What's the strategy to normalize external source? |
TODO | 4056 | Translate document into intro & content. |
TODO | 4624 | For poll block, we need to store the poll data first |
TODO | 4670 | I don't like both the language string and the translated value. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 247 | This should be called in init() instead of from __construct |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 100 | get category title |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 40 | Turn this into language string. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 689 | Add ability to prefer one type of content over another (in a media group). |
TODO | 713 | Add support for end-user defined sorting of enclosures by type/handler (so we can prefer the faster-loading FLV over MP4). |
TODO | 713 | If an element exists at a level, but its value is empty, we should fall back to the value from the parent (if it exists). |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 1763 | Add support for EBCDIC |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 690 | Support <itunes:new-feed-url> |
TODO | 690 | Also, |atom:link|@rel=self |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 149 | need to mark the source parser these came from this file |
TODO | 174 | this is because the importDir api is stupid |
TODO | 2038 | Throw an exception? We got neither a string nor something |
TODO | 2466 | report where the block was opened |
TODO | 2662 | cache pattern in parser |
TODO | 3492 | rename to guardGroup |
TODO | 3651 | this depends on $this->count |
TODO | 3666 | kill me from here |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 18 | Use preg_match |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 65 | Restrict importing of less files within the allowed directories. |
TODO | 242 | Restrict importing of less files within the allowed directories. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 506 | : to support joomla 4.0 error num. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 42 | Remove in PHP 8.0 in favor of class constructor property promotion |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 125 | optParams here probably should have been |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 240 | correct caching; update the call to setCachedValue to set the expiry |
TODO | 243 | correct caching; enable the cache to be cleared. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 1366 | handle uri as array |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 456 | Add more sink validation? |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 185 | 2.0 only check for Throwable |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 132 | 2.0 only check for Throwable |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 42 | 2.0 unset the 'datetime' parameter, retained for BC |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 99 | 2.0 only check for Throwable |
TODO | 124 | 2.0 only check for Throwable |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 118 | 2.0 remove substr call |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 349 | Maybe at some point this could be moved to __toString() for each of the curves? |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 268 | do a bit of basic benchmarking (strtr vs. str_replace) |
TODO | 268 | make usage of iconv() or recode_string() or mb_string() where available |
TODO | 3605 | explore usage of mb_http_input(): does it detect http headers + post data? if so, use it instead of hand-detection!!! |
TODO | 1077 | check correctness of urlencoding cookie value (copied from php way of doing it...) |
TODO | 1892 | add check that $val / $fcode / $fstr is of correct type??? NB: as of now we do not do it, since it might be either an xmlrpcval or a plain php val, or a complete xml chunk, depending on usage of xmlrpc_client::send() inside which creator is called... |
TODO | 2173 | add 2nd & 3rd param to be passed to ParseResponse() ??? |
TODO | 2773 | add some checking for $vals to be an array of xmlrpcvals? |
TODO | 2802 | add some checking for $vals to be an array? |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 930 | prepare the pagination object |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 469 | Add more sink validation? |